• Светлана Николаева

Эдриан Гренье Инстаграм фото

Adrian Grenier
It’s been a while since I’ve spoken live. But it’s time for me to come out of my shell a bit. Live in 20 minutes! 2:40 PDT Link in bio
Adrian Grenier
I wanted to share with you @blueland which is one of the companies that my impact fund @ducontra.ventures has invested in. Initially we were supporting their innovative product that will help reduce plastic consumption by letting you simply add water to compressed tablets of cleaning agent - delivered to your door. (Link in my bio) But now when battling Covid-19, when everybody is isolated at home and being extra mindful about staying hygienic, as well as because of the spike in plastic-use because of concern for cross contamination, @blueland has become even more important. Because it’s a home delivery system, it will help reduce you trips to the store - especially while stay-at-home orders are in place. But most importantly will help keep your home clean and germ free. Soap and water and naturally sudsy cleaning products are still the most effective way to clean according to the FDA. *It’s still important to reduce harsh chemicals and anti-bacterial products to limited use and only when a direct potential exposure is a factor. We must not sacrifice our earth-values by forgetting that these chemicals do have side effects on our health as well as in the environment when they go down the drain, ending up in our waterways and oceans. And remember, we still have a major plastic pollution problem - that is a pandemic of its own, just on a longer timeline - so please continue to find ways to reduce plastic consumption. Now while inside with time on your hands, it could be a great opportunity to take inventory at home and make some changes. I love you. Stay safe, and know that this too will pass.
Adrian Grenier
Gotta keep up your disciplines, especially when it’s hardest. #wow #whiteoOutWeekend - Digital detox, last weekend of every month.
Adrian Grenier
The @ASPCA is urgently seeking donations for their COVID-19 Relief and Recovery Initiative to help pets, pet owners, and animal welfare organizations impacted by the pandemic. Please consider supporting their lifesaving efforts (link in my bio)
Adrian Grenier
I may need to head back to New York suddenly. What’s the latest on travel to the United States from Melbourne, Australia? Any unique perspectives and non-mainstream info would be helpful so I can make an informed decision on mitigating risk and working within the constraints of evolving circumstances. Thank you all for looking out for one another.
Adrian Grenier
#tbt when I had to kick some ass. #entourage #energydrink
Adrian Grenier
Condescend to ascend. 🧗🏽‍♂️
Adrian Grenier
That’s a lot of plastic for one man to carry off A BEACH!!! And to untangle all that fishing line and rope, entangled amongst sea-weed. Beach-Clean-Ups are a great community effort but we need to fix the issue from the source - manufacturing and consumption. Demand that businesses find alternatives to plastic, and curb your own use. But seriously, you did away with plastic straws #stopsucking, and now you are doing away with plastic-water-bottles w/ #hydratelike - what else can you replace? Challenge: switch to toothpaste, deodorant and floss in glass jars, also only use bambu or non-plastic tooth brushes. #beachcleanup #bali #change @lonelywhale @byebyeplasticbags
Adrian Grenier
Should I return to work tonight or stay and just retire in this shirt? #bali
Adrian Grenier
On my trash walk I encountered much trash that I had to spear, including those treacherous plastic straws! Could you do it?
Adrian Grenier
Watch me spear a straw on the first try! I went on another Trash-Walk, a morning movement meditation on our relationship to trash and doing something about it by getting out and active like we use to when we were hunter-gatherers. Highly recommend the experience but don’t wait to come to Bali, there is plenty of trash where you are, I’m sure. @bambuindah
Adrian Grenier
Every sea turtle 🐢 starts out as an egg as small as a ping-pong ball 🏓, so soft and vulnerable to the touch it's shocking ⚡️. Their fates, like ours, are question marks even before they're born (¿). Hatchlings expend great energy to drag themselves away from their mother's nest with their tiny flippers, following the scent of the sea as they make their way out of the sand ❤️. This #WorldWildlifeDay, I am reminded how important it is for us to support each other on our own journeys, and of the gratitude I feel for my @LonelyWhale family, who work tirelessly to ensure no sea turtle will ever be found with a plastic straw stuck in their nostrils again ❌🥤❌. I'm teaming up with @UNEP's #WildForLife and #GlowingGone campaign to share with you the importance of keeping coral reefs alive and thriving. Go to the link in my bio to play the #ReefRideJourney and learn more about the sea turtle's journey. 🐢 #unenvironment
Adrian Grenier
Came across this cool company in #Bali using recycled tires to make flip-flops. Always, personally and though @ducontra.ventures, we are looking to align with brands and products that care about our planet and the health and well-being of nature, wildlife and humanlife. Say ‘NoWay’ to the old-way.
Adrian Grenier
YOU ARE AN ENERGETIC BEING!!! EMF RADIATION WAVES ARE BAD FOR YOUR BODY. Every Last weekend (sat/sun) of every month we practice #wow or #whiteoutweekend to put down our social media and spend real, in person, tactile un-mediated time in our own presence and with one another.
Adrian Grenier
“Loneliness knows no bounds until you get over yourself.” - Anonymous Grenier
Adrian Grenier
Adrian Grenier
I spent several days volunteering at an animal sanctuary that I’ve supported from afar called @AussieArk (link in bio). It was very rewarding to do the work and not just post about it. We helped trap and tag & inventory the animals (and babies), but also spent hours and hours chopping down non-native invasive species of weeds that are smothering the natural fauna and habitat of the animals living there. Too many animals are going extinct in this world - we see it in the ocean at @lonelywhale but as you know it’s on land too. This is a reflection of our over-consumption and carelessness. Remember, what we do matters. What we do defines us. Buy less. Re-use more. Watch less. Do more. Consume less. Give more. Live more. Love more. More: @AussieArk helps threatened and declining Australian species by securing wild sanctuaries to conserve Australia’s native wildlife, free from unnatural predation. Sadly, Australia now has the worst mammal extinction rate in the world, and a high proportion of surviving animals and plants are listed as threatened or endangered. Though Aussie Ark started by protecting Tasmanian Devils, it has now expanded to help many animals including the Brush-tail rock wallaby, Eastern quoll, Long-nosed potoroos, Parma wallaby, Southern Brown Bandicoot, and Manning River turtle. And of course Koalas... More on Koala Ark: 90% of Koala’s habitat has already been lost mostly due to wide-spread habitat destruction, Land clearing and disease. Koala Ark will secure a self-sustaining population of Koalas and protect their long-term future in 5,750 hectares of wilderness they can call home. There are also over 849 additional mammals, reptiles, birds and plant species that will benefit from the proactive management and protection that Koala Ark offers. (Photo Cred: @veronicacloherty)
Adrian Grenier
Happy day of Eros. To all the love that bore our souls and gave us life. To the source of Agape from which we all came, and to with we strive to be in more connection. To all the forms it takes, and all the shapes it makes, and even when your little heart breaks, we heed love as the highest goal. #valentines #valentinesday2020
Adrian Grenier
Back in character... #clickbaitshow #netflix
Adrian Grenier
Every Last weekend (sat/sun) of every month we practice #wow or #whiteoutweekend to put down our social media and spend real, in person, tactile un-mediated time in our own presence and with one another.
Adrian Grenier
A perfect cartoon to lead up to this months #whiteoutweekend - who’s joining ? #wow
Adrian Grenier
The family that flashes together... #climbing #flash #freesolo
Adrian Grenier
WARNING!!! It has become clear that there is a scam going around by people pretending to be me, using fake ‘AG’ personal accounts. They lead people to believe that I am reaching out to fans personally and then at some point convince them to give the scammers money. PLEASE REPORT AND BLOCK ANY ACCOUNTS THAT DO NOT HAVE THE OFFICIAL BKUE CHECK MARK. Be careful out there. Be safe.
Adrian Grenier
I was so happy to have two little helpers Sol & Jaya yesterday at our community garden. Was talking with their mom @thejadebryce about raising children not like a factory; with controlled inputs, and linear processes in an effort to make yet another predictable widget. Instead tend to them like a garden; give them safe borders, cull the weeds of self doubt and fear early, seed them with light and nourishment, and let them bloom full of wild and unpredictable opportunities.
Adrian Grenier
Unlock 100k!!! Your donation will be matched to help critical firefighting and wildlife conservation efforts in #AustraliaFires Simply donate (link in bio) and comment #iDonated #AustraliaWildfireFund and an additional $100 will be given on your behalf to aid local communities most affected by the wildfires, enable wildlife rescue and recovery, and support the long term restoration of unique ecosystems, with partners @aussieark @global_wildlife_conservation and others. Link in my bio. Photos by Brad Fleet, Wolter Peeters/The Sydney Morning Herald
Adrian Grenier
So many times have I been here before, and yet not quite in this way, as I am becoming. I am a verb, not a noun.
Adrian Grenier
For New Years, I always double down on my commitment to people, planet and animals. Creating new paradigms in #2020 - @lonelywhale having eliminated close to 20 BILLION #plasticstraws from the waste stream is now growing into new ocean work like MPA’s (marine protected areas), wildlife protection and ocean climate work. I’m also working to infuse cash into the green economy through @ducontra.ventures - going to be an incredible year.
Adrian Grenier
All the pretense in the world won’t get you love, but it might get you some #likes. This year I’m going for love. #2020 #newyear #newmind (photo: @isaqbrito )
Adrian Grenier
From now on, Last weekend (sat/sun) of every month = #wow #whiteoutweekend to put down our social media and spend real, in person, tactile presence with one another. What a great way to start the new year.
Adrian Grenier
I found the perfect tree.... Merry Crimpmas everybody. #christmas #christmastree #freesolo #climbing #joy #iknowihaveaproblem
Adrian Grenier
The moment I actually reached Stardom. ⭐️ #climbing #starfish #stem
Adrian Grenier
The connection was instant and within an instant it was over. #cats #luckytobeintheirpresence
Adrian Grenier
I’m going to tell my kids that this is the internet. (And that Al Gore is the author).
Adrian Grenier
These are a few of my favorite things. #climbing #coffee
Adrian Grenier
🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️ * The business of ‘Is-ness’ is simply to breathe. Each moment equanimous Calm, loving and peace .
Adrian Grenier
That’s what’s up, down under. #clickbait #netflix #netflixclickbait
Adrian Grenier
We had to say goodby to a beautiful friend this week. HoneyBee was a gift and remains so in our hearts. She gave forth a hearty love and taught me so much. I will always attempt to live by her same enthusiasm and resolve, and try and comprehend the wisdom in her unflinching gaze and stoic observation. My spirit will always be singing her song “Honey Honey Hon Hon Hon Honey Honey Honey Hon Hon Hon Honey Honey Hon Hon Hon Honey Honey Honey Hon Hon Hon...” I love you. 🍯 🐝 ❤️
Adrian Grenier
Australia definitely has the most #darling cafés. But Come on #oz, get with the #oatmilk program - these guys have been smuggling it in just for me but now they have extra so go in and get yourself an oat-flat-white.
Adrian Grenier
It’s not, but who knows? 👃🏽👃🏽👃🏽👃🏽 #punny
Adrian Grenier
As I wrap up my first trip to the Middle East, I reflect on how it was an honor to be invited in and to be able to use my voice as a tool for change. I had so much fun and was inspired by the people I met and I’m encouraging them to take #OneAction that will help achieve the @UnitedNations SDGs while sharing my #OneWord with the global audience @MiskGlobalForum. But the impact shouldn't stop here. We need millions of change makers to help make a difference, and I'm challenging @garyvee to join me, as well as all of you. Take a selfie with your #OneWord that inspires you to take action, and post it with #ItStartsWithUs, tagging one friend to do the same. Together, we can change the world.
Adrian Grenier
Gave a mini speech last night that ended with my opening joke/icebreaker. 😂Good crew, great views. Can’t wait to come back for the reunion. #fivepalmjumeirah #maidenshanghai
Adrian Grenier
It has been a bit overly enjoyable here in #Dubai - if that’s a thing. #fivepalmjumeirah #nonstop
Adrian Grenier
The Conference of the Birds, as in a great deal of sufi poetry, the true idol to be destroyed is the Self: “If you desire this quest, give up your soul And make our sovereign’s court your only goal. First wash your hands of life if you would say: ‘I am a pilgrim of our sovereign’s Way’; Renounce your soul for love”
Adrian Grenier
With all this #Dubai light, even I might try my hand at becoming an #instagrammodel. Wanna buy some health supplements? Haha. #zoolander
Adrian Grenier
Revering that eternal tension between effortless beauty and the pangs of progress. Ouch it hurts but’s it’s time to work, beauty will take care of itself. #dubai #run #beauty
Adrian Grenier
I thought I was supposed to be working...oh well. #DuneBashing. #dubai #safari
Adrian Grenier
I went to the National Museum Of Saudi Arabia and participated in this interactive art project. You can too. Take the pledge for this art project. Very cool.
Adrian Grenier
When I took the #OneWord change challenge this fall in NYC, I committed to using my platform to #speak loudly about the change our planet needs to thrive. From NYC to Riyadh, I stand here with @davidoyelowo and @sarah_themaven in front of the Kingdom Tower with gratitude and hope that our world will join together and make lasting change that will impact the @UnitedNations sustainable development goals and our future generations forever.  Today, all the way across the world I remain committed to this goal, and I'm asking each and every one of you to join in. Please take a selfie with #OneWord on One finger that inspires you to take action, and post it with #ItStartsWithUs, tagging one friend to do the same. Together, we really can change the world.
Adrian Grenier
What a great experience at the inaugural #stanleesupercon2019 - so many smiling faces and uplifting spirits. So honored to be here. #riyadh #saudiarabia
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier

    It’s been a while since I’ve spoken live. But it’s time for me to come out of my shell a bit. Live in 20 minutes! 2:40 PDT Link in bio
  • Adrian Grenier

    I wanted to share with you @blueland which is one of the companies that my impact fund @ducontra.ventures has invested in. Initially we were supporting their innovative product that will help reduce plastic consumption by letting you simply add water to compressed tablets of cleaning agent - delivered to your door. (Link in my bio) But now when battling Covid-19, when everybody is isolated at home and being extra mindful about staying hygienic, as well as because of the spike in plastic-use because of concern for cross contamination, @blueland has become even more important. Because it’s a home delivery system, it will help reduce you trips to the store - especially while stay-at-home orders are in place. But most importantly will help keep your home clean and germ free. Soap and water and naturally sudsy cleaning products are still the most effective way to clean according to the FDA. *It’s still important to reduce harsh chemicals and anti-bacterial products to limited use and only when a direct potential exposure is a factor. We must not sacrifice our earth-values by forgetting that these chemicals do have side effects on our health as well as in the environment when they go down the drain, ending up in our waterways and oceans. And remember, we still have a major plastic pollution problem - that is a pandemic of its own, just on a longer timeline - so please continue to find ways to reduce plastic consumption. Now while inside with time on your hands, it could be a great opportunity to take inventory at home and make some changes. I love you. Stay safe, and know that this too will pass.
  • Adrian Grenier

    Gotta keep up your disciplines, especially when it’s hardest. #wow #whiteoOutWeekend - Digital detox, last weekend of every month.
  • Adrian Grenier

    The @ASPCA is urgently seeking donations for their COVID-19 Relief and Recovery Initiative to help pets, pet owners, and animal welfare organizations impacted by the pandemic. Please consider supporting their lifesaving efforts (link in my bio)
  • Adrian Grenier

    I may need to head back to New York suddenly. What’s the latest on travel to the United States from Melbourne, Australia? Any unique perspectives and non-mainstream info would be helpful so I can make an informed decision on mitigating risk and working within the constraints of evolving circumstances. Thank you all for looking out for one another.
  • Adrian Grenier

    #tbt when I had to kick some ass. #entourage #energydrink
  • Adrian Grenier

    Condescend to ascend. 🧗🏽‍♂️
  • Adrian Grenier

    That’s a lot of plastic for one man to carry off A BEACH!!! And to untangle all that fishing line and rope, entangled amongst sea-weed. Beach-Clean-Ups are a great community effort but we need to fix the issue from the source - manufacturing and consumption. Demand that businesses find alternatives to plastic, and curb your own use. But seriously, you did away with plastic straws #stopsucking, and now you are doing away with plastic-water-bottles w/ #hydratelike - what else can you replace? Challenge: switch to toothpaste, deodorant and floss in glass jars, also only use bambu or non-plastic tooth brushes. #beachcleanup #bali #change @lonelywhale @byebyeplasticbags
  • Adrian Grenier

    Should I return to work tonight or stay and just retire in this shirt? #bali
  • Adrian Grenier

    On my trash walk I encountered much trash that I had to spear, including those treacherous plastic straws! Could you do it?
  • Adrian Grenier

    Watch me spear a straw on the first try! I went on another Trash-Walk, a morning movement meditation on our relationship to trash and doing something about it by getting out and active like we use to when we were hunter-gatherers. Highly recommend the experience but don’t wait to come to Bali, there is plenty of trash where you are, I’m sure. @bambuindah
  • Adrian Grenier

    Every sea turtle 🐢 starts out as an egg as small as a ping-pong ball 🏓, so soft and vulnerable to the touch it's shocking ⚡️. Their fates, like ours, are question marks even before they're born (¿). Hatchlings expend great energy to drag themselves away from their mother's nest with their tiny flippers, following the scent of the sea as they make their way out of the sand ❤️. This #WorldWildlifeDay, I am reminded how important it is for us to support each other on our own journeys, and of the gratitude I feel for my @LonelyWhale family, who work tirelessly to ensure no sea turtle will ever be found with a plastic straw stuck in their nostrils again ❌🥤❌. I'm teaming up with @UNEP's #WildForLife and #GlowingGone campaign to share with you the importance of keeping coral reefs alive and thriving. Go to the link in my bio to play the #ReefRideJourney and learn more about the sea turtle's journey. 🐢 #unenvironment
  • Adrian Grenier

    Came across this cool company in #Bali using recycled tires to make flip-flops. Always, personally and though @ducontra.ventures, we are looking to align with brands and products that care about our planet and the health and well-being of nature, wildlife and humanlife. Say ‘NoWay’ to the old-way.
  • Adrian Grenier

    YOU ARE AN ENERGETIC BEING!!! EMF RADIATION WAVES ARE BAD FOR YOUR BODY. Every Last weekend (sat/sun) of every month we practice #wow or #whiteoutweekend to put down our social media and spend real, in person, tactile un-mediated time in our own presence and with one another.
  • Adrian Grenier

    “Loneliness knows no bounds until you get over yourself.” - Anonymous Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier

  • Adrian Grenier

    I spent several days volunteering at an animal sanctuary that I’ve supported from afar called @AussieArk (link in bio). It was very rewarding to do the work and not just post about it. We helped trap and tag & inventory the animals (and babies), but also spent hours and hours chopping down non-native invasive species of weeds that are smothering the natural fauna and habitat of the animals living there. Too many animals are going extinct in this world - we see it in the ocean at @lonelywhale but as you know it’s on land too. This is a reflection of our over-consumption and carelessness. Remember, what we do matters. What we do defines us. Buy less. Re-use more. Watch less. Do more. Consume less. Give more. Live more. Love more. More: @AussieArk helps threatened and declining Australian species by securing wild sanctuaries to conserve Australia’s native wildlife, free from unnatural predation. Sadly, Australia now has the worst mammal extinction rate in the world, and a high proportion of surviving animals and plants are listed as threatened or endangered. Though Aussie Ark started by protecting Tasmanian Devils, it has now expanded to help many animals including the Brush-tail rock wallaby, Eastern quoll, Long-nosed potoroos, Parma wallaby, Southern Brown Bandicoot, and Manning River turtle. And of course Koalas... More on Koala Ark: 90% of Koala’s habitat has already been lost mostly due to wide-spread habitat destruction, Land clearing and disease. Koala Ark will secure a self-sustaining population of Koalas and protect their long-term future in 5,750 hectares of wilderness they can call home. There are also over 849 additional mammals, reptiles, birds and plant species that will benefit from the proactive management and protection that Koala Ark offers. (Photo Cred: @veronicacloherty)
  • Adrian Grenier

    Happy day of Eros. To all the love that bore our souls and gave us life. To the source of Agape from which we all came, and to with we strive to be in more connection. To all the forms it takes, and all the shapes it makes, and even when your little heart breaks, we heed love as the highest goal. #valentines #valentinesday2020
  • Adrian Grenier

  • Adrian Grenier

    Back in character... #clickbaitshow #netflix
  • Adrian Grenier

    Every Last weekend (sat/sun) of every month we practice #wow or #whiteoutweekend to put down our social media and spend real, in person, tactile un-mediated time in our own presence and with one another.
  • Adrian Grenier

    A perfect cartoon to lead up to this months #whiteoutweekend - who’s joining ? #wow
  • Adrian Grenier

    The family that flashes together... #climbing #flash #freesolo
  • Adrian Grenier

    WARNING!!! It has become clear that there is a scam going around by people pretending to be me, using fake ‘AG’ personal accounts. They lead people to believe that I am reaching out to fans personally and then at some point convince them to give the scammers money. PLEASE REPORT AND BLOCK ANY ACCOUNTS THAT DO NOT HAVE THE OFFICIAL BKUE CHECK MARK. Be careful out there. Be safe.
  • Adrian Grenier

    I was so happy to have two little helpers Sol & Jaya yesterday at our community garden. Was talking with their mom @thejadebryce about raising children not like a factory; with controlled inputs, and linear processes in an effort to make yet another predictable widget. Instead tend to them like a garden; give them safe borders, cull the weeds of self doubt and fear early, seed them with light and nourishment, and let them bloom full of wild and unpredictable opportunities.
  • Adrian Grenier

    Unlock 100k!!! Your donation will be matched to help critical firefighting and wildlife conservation efforts in #AustraliaFires Simply donate (link in bio) and comment #iDonated #AustraliaWildfireFund and an additional $100 will be given on your behalf to aid local communities most affected by the wildfires, enable wildlife rescue and recovery, and support the long term restoration of unique ecosystems, with partners @aussieark @global_wildlife_conservation and others. Link in my bio. Photos by Brad Fleet, Wolter Peeters/The Sydney Morning Herald
  • Adrian Grenier

    So many times have I been here before, and yet not quite in this way, as I am becoming. I am a verb, not a noun.
  • Adrian Grenier

    For New Years, I always double down on my commitment to people, planet and animals. Creating new paradigms in #2020 - @lonelywhale having eliminated close to 20 BILLION #plasticstraws from the waste stream is now growing into new ocean work like MPA’s (marine protected areas), wildlife protection and ocean climate work. I’m also working to infuse cash into the green economy through @ducontra.ventures - going to be an incredible year.
  • Adrian Grenier

    All the pretense in the world won’t get you love, but it might get you some #likes. This year I’m going for love. #2020 #newyear #newmind (photo: @isaqbrito )
  • Adrian Grenier

    From now on, Last weekend (sat/sun) of every month = #wow #whiteoutweekend to put down our social media and spend real, in person, tactile presence with one another. What a great way to start the new year.
  • Adrian Grenier

    I found the perfect tree.... Merry Crimpmas everybody. #christmas #christmastree #freesolo #climbing #joy #iknowihaveaproblem
  • Adrian Grenier

    The moment I actually reached Stardom. ⭐️ #climbing #starfish #stem
  • Adrian Grenier

    The connection was instant and within an instant it was over. #cats #luckytobeintheirpresence
  • Adrian Grenier

    I’m going to tell my kids that this is the internet. (And that Al Gore is the author).
  • Adrian Grenier

    These are a few of my favorite things. #climbing #coffee
  • Adrian Grenier

    🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️ * The business of ‘Is-ness’ is simply to breathe. Each moment equanimous Calm, loving and peace .
  • Adrian Grenier

    That’s what’s up, down under. #clickbait #netflix #netflixclickbait
  • Adrian Grenier

    We had to say goodby to a beautiful friend this week. HoneyBee was a gift and remains so in our hearts. She gave forth a hearty love and taught me so much. I will always attempt to live by her same enthusiasm and resolve, and try and comprehend the wisdom in her unflinching gaze and stoic observation. My spirit will always be singing her song “Honey Honey Hon Hon Hon Honey Honey Honey Hon Hon Hon Honey Honey Hon Hon Hon Honey Honey Honey Hon Hon Hon...” I love you. 🍯 🐝 ❤️
  • Adrian Grenier

    Australia definitely has the most #darling cafés. But Come on #oz, get with the #oatmilk program - these guys have been smuggling it in just for me but now they have extra so go in and get yourself an oat-flat-white.
  • Adrian Grenier

    It’s not, but who knows? 👃🏽👃🏽👃🏽👃🏽 #punny
  • Adrian Grenier

    As I wrap up my first trip to the Middle East, I reflect on how it was an honor to be invited in and to be able to use my voice as a tool for change. I had so much fun and was inspired by the people I met and I’m encouraging them to take #OneAction that will help achieve the @UnitedNations SDGs while sharing my #OneWord with the global audience @MiskGlobalForum. But the impact shouldn't stop here. We need millions of change makers to help make a difference, and I'm challenging @garyvee to join me, as well as all of you. Take a selfie with your #OneWord that inspires you to take action, and post it with #ItStartsWithUs, tagging one friend to do the same. Together, we can change the world.
  • Adrian Grenier

    Gave a mini speech last night that ended with my opening joke/icebreaker. 😂Good crew, great views. Can’t wait to come back for the reunion. #fivepalmjumeirah #maidenshanghai
  • Adrian Grenier

    It has been a bit overly enjoyable here in #Dubai - if that’s a thing. #fivepalmjumeirah #nonstop
  • Adrian Grenier

    The Conference of the Birds, as in a great deal of sufi poetry, the true idol to be destroyed is the Self: “If you desire this quest, give up your soul And make our sovereign’s court your only goal. First wash your hands of life if you would say: ‘I am a pilgrim of our sovereign’s Way’; Renounce your soul for love”
  • Adrian Grenier

    With all this #Dubai light, even I might try my hand at becoming an #instagrammodel. Wanna buy some health supplements? Haha. #zoolander
  • Adrian Grenier

    Revering that eternal tension between effortless beauty and the pangs of progress. Ouch it hurts but’s it’s time to work, beauty will take care of itself. #dubai #run #beauty
  • Adrian Grenier

    I thought I was supposed to be working...oh well. #DuneBashing. #dubai #safari
  • Adrian Grenier

    I went to the National Museum Of Saudi Arabia and participated in this interactive art project. You can too. Take the pledge for this art project. Very cool.
  • Adrian Grenier

    When I took the #OneWord change challenge this fall in NYC, I committed to using my platform to #speak loudly about the change our planet needs to thrive. From NYC to Riyadh, I stand here with @davidoyelowo and @sarah_themaven in front of the Kingdom Tower with gratitude and hope that our world will join together and make lasting change that will impact the @UnitedNations sustainable development goals and our future generations forever.  Today, all the way across the world I remain committed to this goal, and I'm asking each and every one of you to join in. Please take a selfie with #OneWord on One finger that inspires you to take action, and post it with #ItStartsWithUs, tagging one friend to do the same. Together, we really can change the world.
  • Adrian Grenier

    What a great experience at the inaugural #stanleesupercon2019 - so many smiling faces and uplifting spirits. So honored to be here. #riyadh #saudiarabia
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier
  • Adrian Grenier

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