• Светлана Николаева

Бастиан Йотта Инстаграм фото

Mr. Yotta ©️
When I look back in 2019 then I remember the pain I felt in a toxic relationship and all I wanted is to be single not to get hurt anymore. But god had better plans and so I found at church the angel who gives me all I ever wanted: Just to be loved the way I am. And since that moment I have the most peaceful, passionated, loved, funniest and happiest relationship ever. So whenever you feel pain, just be sure something way better is waiting for you. I love you so much @mornourish 🙏🏻❤️
Mr. Yotta ©️
Das Buch was mich fast mein Leben gekostet hätte. The America Dream - wie ich meinen persönlichen Traum erlebte und überlebte. Dieses Buch wird dich unterhalten, motivieren und schockieren! Das Buch über Geld, Macht und Mafia aber auch über Zweifel, Liebe und Leidenschaft. Dieses Buch habe ich für Euch geschrieben ! Es wird dein Leben und auch deine Sicht auf Los Angeles für immer verändern. Garantiert ! Check link in Bio !
Mr. Yotta ©️
In the past, I was always visualizing how my partner should be. After all the fails, I started focusing only on how I want to feel in a relationship. And then suddenly god send me an angel @mornourish ❤️ who makes me the most happy man ever. I love you so much ❤️ . . In der Vergangenheit habe ich mir immer vorgestellt, wie mein Partner sein sollte. Nach all den Misserfolgen konzentrierte ich mich nur darauf, wie ich mich in einer Beziehung fühlen will. Und von diesem Moment an schickte mir Gott einen Engel @mornourish ❤️, der mich zum glücklichsten Mann aller Zeiten macht. Ich liebe dich so sehr, Marisol ❤️
Mr. Yotta ©️
Zwischen diesen beiden Bildern liegen 5 Monate ! Durch die Haartransplantation der @hairmedic_privatklinik wachsen und wachsen die Haare endlich auch dort wo vorher sehr wenig war. Ich liebe meine Haare und es hat mich vorher einfach genervt dass es nicht dicht genug war. Ich bin super happy, dass das nun gelöst ist. Wie gefällt dir das Ergebnis ?
Mr. Yotta ©️
Don't wish it was easier wish you were better. Don't wish for less problems wish for more skills. Don't wish for less challenge wish for more power. We all have our mountain to climb - our challenges to overcome. You can go thru or grow thru ! Use every challenge in life to become better and stronger. Type “YES” when you are down to climb your personal mountain in life ! . . . Filmed with @skydiohq on Yotta Bike Terminator
Mr. Yotta ©️
RabattCode : yotta2years Gehe zu: smilesecret.de ✨ Geld-zurück-Garantie ✨ Entwicklung von Zahnärzten ✨ Verzicht auf Peroxide ✨ meine Empfehlung
Mr. Yotta ©️
Das wohl persönlichste Video was ich jemals gepostet habe.
Mr. Yotta ©️
Discipline is the difference between where you are now and where you want to be. A great body , an inspirational mind or a beautiful soul does not come over night. It is hard work. Why hard ? Because you have to be persistent every single day. Keep going day by day to become better. Weiter immer Weiter. Type “yes” if you commit now to go for it !
Mr. Yotta ©️
I love this snapshot. This pic tells a lot. Tell me what you see ! Best comment wins a free coaching from the Yotta University.
Mr. Yotta ©️
21 years was the homeless Nathan playing piano on the Venice Boardwalk. The daily tips helped him to survive. Till the day his piano broke and Nathan was without piano , without food , without any hope ... With the help of the Yotta Family we got him a new piano and his story continues ...
Mr. Yotta ©️
You are in a trap. Yes you are. Listen carefully for 5 minutes and then decide if you are down for the 10-1-Challenge Schau dir dieses Video an. Nehme Dir 5 Minuten Zeit denn es ist echt wichtig. Dann sage mir ob du bei der 10-1-Challenge dabei bist.
Mr. Yotta ©️
Coaching Session. Schau dir alle 3 Videos an. Kennst du das ? Wenn die Vergangenheit deine Zukunft blockiert? Vielleicht öffnet Dir dieser Post die Augen. Ich sag nur : Leave your house !!!! Weiter immer Weiter. Und wer mehr davon haben möchte -> Klick auf den Link in meiner Bio.
Mr. Yotta ©️
Eigentlich wissen wir wie es geht und dennoch klappt es nicht. Warum ? Lass mich dein Mentor sein und deine Träume wahr werden lassen. Mit diesem Link bekommst du 90% Rabatt und zahlst weniger als 10 Euro pro Monat: ( LINK IN BIO ) https://yottauniversity.com/join
Mr. Yotta ©️
https://yottauniversity.com/join Link ist in BIO. Verändere jetzt dein Leben. Zugriff auf über 150 Stunden Coaching und alle Kurse. Täglich neuer Input, persönlicher Austausch mit mir und vieles mehr. Check it out now !
Mr. Yotta ©️
Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg ist der erste Schritt zum Ziel. Aber was ist der erste Schritt ?
Mr. Yotta ©️
Love is not the desire to make someone perfect. It is the feeling that your partner is perfect in the way he is. It’s me and it will be always just me. Love it or leave it and then make space for someone who loves what she gets. Never let anyone bring you down or tell you you are not good enough or a problem. Love yourself, give your best and fucking enjoy this beautiful life and be happy. Type “YES” if you agree!
Mr. Yotta ©️
We all know that we have to warmup our muscles before workout. But have you ever done a mental warmup ? Watch the video. This is what I do and I do recommend it because you have to enter the gym with the right mindset and the body will follow. Filmed with @skydiohq
Mr. Yotta ©️
When you feel bad just grab your bike, your headphones and ride with a good tune. Too many times we get pulled down from our high frequency. Take control and stay in control of your mood then you master life. . . . Wenn du dich mal schlecht fühlst dann schwing dich auf dein Fahrrad, höre ein geiles Lied und fühle dich gut. Viel zu of lassen wir uns runter ziehen von negativer Energie anstatt die Kontrolle zu übernehmen und unsere Laune zu wechseln. Filmed with @skydiohq
Mr. Yotta ©️
I am sick of showing always just pics of happy moments. Because life is also sad moments. Right now I am facing my hardest challenge in my life. I face my biggest demons and have to break through old pattern. I feel sad for many reasons but I never give up. Right now my day is a roller coaster and it takes my last energy to keep my head straight. But I know why I am doing it. It will bring me to a new level. And on this level magical things will happen in my life. But till that I am here in hell alone. And it is just me vs. me. May the better version win ! God bless us ! . ————————————————— . Ich habe es satt immer nur die glücklichen Momente auf Instagram zu zeigen. Ich will mich zeigen ! Es ist nicht immer alles eitler Sonnenschein. Und im Moment geht es mir scheisse. Ich bin traurig. Ich bin in Schmerzen. Aber ich beklage mich nicht. Ich nutze den Schmerz um zu wachsen. Ich arbeite an mir aber es ist verdammt hart. Wenn du dich auch scheisse fühlst, dann sollst du wissen, Du bist nicht alleine. Viel Kraft uns allen ! #makeinstagramrealagain
Mr. Yotta ©️
I am facing the biggest challenge in my life. I have to leave my path and create a new one. But I do whatever it takes to achieve the light in my_life. Filmed with @skydiohq
Mr. Yotta ©️
Stand Up. Trust your own instincts, go inside, follow your heart. Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. My story is a freedom song of struggle. Everything is a learning process: any time you fall over, it's just teaching you to stand up the next ...weiter immer weiter . . . Stand Up M. Vertraue deinen eigenen Instinkten, gehe hinein und folge deinem Herzen. Mut ist, aufzustehen und zu kämpfen. Mut ist es auch, sich hinzusetzen und zuzuhören. Meine Geschichte ist ein Freiheitslied des Kampfes. Alles ist ein Lernprozess: Jedes Mal, wenn ich hinfallen, lerne ich und dann stehe ich wieder auf ...weiter immer weiter . . Type yes if you are a fighter !
Mr. Yotta ©️
I build my body to protect me. I got hurt way to often. Now I realize I just can only protect my heart with the right frequency. If you have the right frequency then only people with the same frequency will be able to be with you. All others will walk away or can not stand it. So if you have the wrong people around you then don’t complain. Just change your frequency and the world around you will change. You are in charge ! Tell me which pic you like more 1 or 2 ? Both pics were taken when I was incredible happy !!! . . Ich kreierte meinen Körper, um mich zu schützen. Ich wurde viel zu oft verletzt. Jetzt ist mir klar geworden, dass ich mein Herz nur mit der richtigen Frequenz schützen kann. Wenn Du die richtige Frequenz hast, können nur Personen mit derselben Frequenz mit Dir sein. Alle anderen gehen weg oder können es nicht ertragen. Wenn Du also die falschen Leute in deinem Leben hast, beschwere dichnicht. Ändere einfach dieFrequenz und die Welt um Dich herum wird sich ändern. Welches Pic gefällt dir besser 1 oder 2 ?
Mr. Yotta ©️
We all have been falling down. We all stood up again but the more often you fall the more you hesitate to get back because doubt starts to fuck with you. Maybe you can’t do it. Maybe it’s not good for you. Maybe it’s the wrong way. And so on. But remember why you started. Adjust and learn from the mistakes. The experience of failure will help you making it better next time. But never ever doubt yourself. Do your daily affirmations and make yourself believe that you can and everything is possible. . *************************************************** . Wir sind alle schon mal gefallen. Wir sind alle wieder aufgestanden, aber je öfter wir fallen, desto mehr zögern wir, zurück zu kommen, denn der Zweifel beginnt mit uns Spielchen zu spielen. Vielleicht können wir es nicht tun. Vielleicht ist es nicht gut für dich. Vielleicht ist es der falsche Weg. Und so weiter. Aber denk daran, warum du angefangen hast. Passe dich an und lernen Sie aus den Fehlern. Die Erfahrung des Scheiterns hilft dir, es beim nächsten Mal besser zu machen. Aber zweifle niemals an dir. Mache deine täglichen Affirmationen und mach dich glauben, dass du es kannst und alles möglich ist. . — Kommentiere “Ja” wenn du ein Kämpfer bist —— Tage 3 Freunde und gewinne gratis Coaching.
Mr. Yotta ©️
For the case you feel not motivated @stoni_23 and me created a little video to bring back the fun and joy of working out. My mission is to inspire and motivate as much people as possible to be alive. Unfortunately most of the humans focus on surviving instead of being alive. Follow your heart. Live your passion. Be strong , healthy and full of energy. Weiter immer Weiter
Mr. Yotta ©️
Be in the Flow. You are in the Flow when things become easy and your performance is beyond limits. You also can be in the flow when you think less and feel more. Children have the ability. They just do things with pleasure and joy. They forget about time and space and focus for hours on a single thing. We all should practice this way more often. When I am on my bike, connected with nature and finding beautiful spots then I am in the flow. Try it. The flow is a peaceful and powerful state of mind !
Mr. Yotta ©️
Die letzten 6 Wochen waren unglaublich intensiv. Ich bin an meine Grenzen gestossen und habe sie durchbrochen. Anfeindungen, Lügen, Hähme und Spott, mediale Hetzkampagne plus die Challenge im Dschungel. Und ich habe nie aufgeben. Habe Haltung bewahrt. Mich nicht provozieren lassen. Bin immer positiv geblieben und vorallem ich bin ich selbst geblieben. Das alles hat dazu geführt dass ihr mir Respekt und Liebe entgegen gebracht habt wie ich es mir nicht zu träumen gewagt hätte. Es zeigt dass ihr Euch von den Medien nicht mehr manipulieren lasst sondern euch eine eigene Meinung bildet. Dafür zolle ich Euch meinen Respekt und meine Liebe. Ich bin unendlich dankbar für all den Support und ich kann Euch versprechen : Ich mache weiter , immer weiter. Das ist erst der Anfang. Jetzt geht’s erst richtig los. Und an alle Hater: Ihr zerstört nur Euch selbst also lasst es lieber denn spätestens jetzt solltet auch ihr erkennen: you can’t knock my shine ! Yotta Family ihr seid die Familie die ich nie hatte und immer haben wollte. I love you all ❤️ ❤️❤️❤️ **************************************************** The last 6 weeks have been incredibly intense. I have reached my limits and have broken through them. Hostility, lies, paralysis and mockery, media hate campaign plus the challenge in the jungle. And I never give up. I have maintained my positive attitude. I never let them provoke me and answered with a smile. And I always remained positive and especially I stayed truth to myself. All this lead to the point that you have shown me respect and love as I would have dared not to dream. It shows that you do not let yourself be manipulated by the media but form your own opinion. For that, I pay you my respect and my love. I am immensely grateful for all the support and I can promise you: I keep going, on and on. This is only the beginning. Now it really starts. And to all Haters: You only destroy yourself so let it be because latest now you should realize that you can not knock my shine! Yotta Family You are the family I never had and always wanted to have. I love you all ❤️❤️❤️
Mr. Yotta ©️
Jedes Bootcamp ist für mich eine enorme Herausforderung. Menschen schenken mir ihr Vertrauen und haben die Hoffnung, dass ich Ihnen helfe, sie motiviere und inspiriere. Ich nehme das sehr ernst. Mein Anspruch ist Leben zu verändern. Die Medien versuchen mich zu verspotten und schaffen es nicht. Sie versuchen Schmutzkampagnen und wollen mir den Mund verbieten, während ich weiter immer weiter mache. Und während meine Hater Hasstiraden kommentieren, ändere ich das Leben anderer Menschen. Und je mehr ihr mich bekämpft desto lauter schreie ich “ we are strong, healthy and full of energy”. Every bootcamp is a huge challenge for me. People give me their trust and hope that I will help, motivate and inspire them. I take that very seriously. My claim is to change lives. The media is trying to mock me and can not do it. They are trying to get dirty and wanting to keep my mouth shut while I keep going. And while my haters comment on hate speech, I change the lives of other people. And the more you fight me the louder I scream "we are strong, healthy and full of energy".
Mr. Yotta ©️
Es geht weiter. Ich habe viel gelernt die letzten 3 Wochen. Über mich. Über andere. Über das Leben. Über das Showbusiness. Es war eine harte aber lehrreiche Zeit. Ich bin dankbar für alles was ich erlebt habe. Ich danke allen von ganzem Herzen die mich unterstützt habe. Euer Support und Eure Liebe ist Balsam für meine Seele. Ich gratuliere allen Teilnehmern der Show, denn aufgegeben hat keiner und somit sind wir alle Kämpfer. Strong, Healthy and full of Energy wurde deutschlandweit bekannt. Möge es viele motivieren mehr aus ihrem Leben zu machen und vor allem zu erkennen dass ihr der Meister eures Lebens seid. An alle Hater: Ihr trinkt Gift und hofft der andere stirbt. Möge Gott Euch segnen. Danke an meine Fans. Ich bin stolz und glücklich Euch meine Yotta Family zu nennen. Und jetzt geht es ... Weiter immer weiter ! It goes on. I learned a lot the last 3 weeks. About me. About others. About life. About the show business. It was a hard but instructive time. I am grateful for everything I have experienced. Thank you all wholeheartedly for supporting me. Your support and your love is balm for my soul. I congratulate all participants of the show, because no one gave up and so we are all fighters. Strong, Healthy and full of Energy became known throughout Germany. May many be motivated to do more with their lives, and most of all, to realize that you are the master of your life. To all Haters: You drink poison and hope the other dies. May God bless you. Thanks to my fans. I am proud and happy to call you my Yotta Family. And now ... Keep going again and again and again. Weiter immer weiter.
Mr. Yotta ©️
Die Angst ausschalten. Auf das fokussieren was man will und nicht was man fürchtet.
Mr. Yotta ©️
Das bin ich. Und ich bin es immer noch. Ein kleiner Junge der das Abenteuer liebt und viel Liebe braucht. Lediglich meine Schale drum herum welche ich durch mein Leben bekommen habe versteckt diesen kleinen Jungen oft sehr geschickt. Jeder will im Dschungel performen und gefallen. Das ist normal. Dennoch habe ich mir vorgenommen diesen kleinen Jungen fast 40 Jahre nach diesem Foto in sein größtes Abenteuer zu schicken. Basti geh rein und rocke das und vor allem habe Spaß. Alles Liebe Dein älteres Ich. *************************************************** This is me. And I still the same. A little boy who loves adventures and needs a lot of love. Only my shell around me which I got through my life often hides this little boy. Everyone wants to perform and to win the show. That is normal. Nevertheless, I have decided to send this little boy into his greatest adventure almost 40 years after this photo. Basti go for it and rock it and most of all, have fun. Love your older self Bastian
Mr. Yotta ©️
HOW to handle a challenge in 8 steps in a YottaWay ! This is a very important post and I do hope you will take the time to read and understand. Most of my 750K followers on insta and 2M on snapchat look up to me and see me as a role model. But I do have the same problems and the same challenges like you. Only the way I do react and handle them is different and that is why I want to share here my knowledge and tools. When I have to fight a battle I have created my own protocol how to handle it, here it is: 1) I accept the challenge by knowing I have created it by my own thoughts from the past. I am responsible. 2) I never blame anybody else besides me, because we create everything with our mindset 3) That means I have to change my mindset not to create same or similar challenges in the future. 4) I visualize the perfect solution by not judging if it seems possible or not - I just see the perfect result 5) I make myself believe that this perfect solution is possible by making fitting affirmations 6) I create a strategy what to do next and I take action 7) I trust the universe and I am grateful for this lesson 8) I focus on something really nice and hear my favorite music to get on a high frequency and to feel epic or I just kiss the love of my life @m.y._life___ and I raise my frequency right away. I hope those 8 steps will help you overcome the next challenge more easily. #yottalife for everyone Don't wish it would be easier. Wish you would be stronger. #challenge #nevergiveup #lawofattraction
Mr. Yotta ©️
You always find excuses for not doing what should be done. I go to the gym even if my car explodes. That is of course just an image to show you what it means to be unstoppable. A lot of you guys start and many get stopped. I want you to become unstoppable because it is not over until it’s done. Go for it and be unstoppable! It is your life and your choice. You can make the decision now: Be unstoppable !
Mr. Yotta ©️
A great body is just a side effect of a great mind. I go to the gym to train my mind not to give up and to do more than I think I can. Anytime when I break through my limit I get stronger mentally and physically. If you read this then move your ass to the gym and experience what I am taking about. The feeling is priceless.
Mr. Yotta ©️
The street of success is a lonely one. Because some people don’t understand your why. Some people don’t want you to move forward. Some people simply can not follow. But all that doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is: chose your destination and then go for it. They will tell you it is the wrong way. Go for it. They will tell you you won’t make it. Go for it. Whatever they will tell you don’t listen and go for it. One day you will look back and you will know: You made it and it was your way. Then they will come and tell you that they always believed in you. Just smile. The smile of a winner to the lambs. Fotocredit: @stoni_23 📽
Mr. Yotta ©️
True friendship doesn’t know bank accounts, social status, age or anything else. The only thing that matters is the strong connection between two human beings. Thank you Nathan for being my friend since we met the first time. This was exactly today 7 years ago. You are a precious and wise man and I appreciate all our conversations. Thank you for being my friend ❤️ Tag your friend to say thank you !!!
Mr. Yotta ©️
The world is moving fast. Life is moving fast. The question is: Are you moving or are you getting moved by the world ? Sometimes you have to stand still and re-center. You will realize the powerful calmness while the world keeps moving. Then you choose your direction and start moving. It is your life. It’s your choice. It’s your direction. Stand still and ask yourself if you are still on track towards your dreams ! Because that is the only way to go ! Special thanks to @frederickdbarnes for this illusion.
Mr. Yotta ©️
Read this very carefully: You can not fly if you carry to much weight. We all want to jump high in life but we simply carry to much weight with us what holds us back. This weight are negative people, our past, fear to fail, simply any kind of negativity. If you want to fly you have to get rid of all this BS. I guess all of you know exactly what their „weight“ is. So today is cut-off-day. Say Good Bye to the wrong people, to limiting thoughts, to any kind of negative influence. Free yourself and jump to the next level in life !
Mr. Yotta ©️
How to attract the most beautiful girls ? Simply read from the Yotta Bibel. The knowledge of this book helped me to create my paradise on earth and will enable you to do the same. Lots of love and gratitude goes to Germany for making my book Bestseller No. 1 and one of the most successful of 2018. But way more important than those rankings are the thousands of messages from people who changed their life after reading the Yotta Bibel. That makes me truly happy. I love you all ❤️. Very soon available in English as well. 📖 . And after reading it you will realize you don’t have to live on your knees. Stand up for your dreams !! . . Special thanks to my favorite beauties of this planet : @khloe @cjsparxx @thejennanicole @crystalhoang and my best friend @nataliasilva_art for capturing the holy moment of enlightenment. I am a blessed man 👼🏼
Mr. Yotta ©️
Years ago I was counting the money on my bank account. Nowadays I count the lifes I change to the better. What a difference I can tell. I don’t post those pics to get appreciation. I post them to remind you that giving something back is wonderful and a rule of life. Everybody can do it. Try it. It will make you and others happy. Win-Win ! *************************** Thanks as well to my best friend Natalia and my great students Nora, Thomas and Jason for the lovely support. 🙏🏻 🎥: @nataliasilva_art 😘
Mr. Yotta ©️
I got back to my old passion playing basketball. There is nothing more satisfying than jumping high, being unstoppable and winning. So let’s make a bet. I bet none of my followers can beat me. I bet 10K cash. You don’t have to bring money. Tag one friend and I will randomly choose 3 guys to challenge me. Wanna make 10K ? Here is your chance ! Good Luck.
Mr. Yotta ©️
I am doing an epic Q&A and will publish the answers in a Youtube Video about success and motivation. Ask me anything you want and I ll pick the best ones. It‘s your turn guys!
Mr. Yotta ©️
We all have goals and dreams but be aware of the impact. It is never about your goals. It is what the goal forces you to become. To achieve goals you have to become bigger, better and stronger. Money, fame or luxury can be fading but your personal growth will last forever. So choose goals that challenge you to become the best version of yourself and then enjoy the progress. The harder the way the better you get ! . . . #love #followback #instagramers #envywear #tweegram #photooftheday #20likes #amazing #smile #follow4follow #like4like #look #instalike #igers #picoftheday #food #instadaily #instafollow #followme #girl #instagood #bestoftheday #instacool #envywearco #follow #colorful #style #swag #motivation #yottalife Wenn du mehr lernen willst über meine Tools und über meinen Aufstieg von homeless to Hollywood dann hole dir mein neues Buch. Link in Bio - Die Yotta BIBEL !
Mr. Yotta ©️
I was looking for the best book and couldn’t find it so I wrote it ! This is my unpublished story with all my tools and knowledge. It will not change the world but your life. I was homeless and tried to kill myself and today I am financially independent, happy and love life. What happened ? Read it !Check link in bio ! #yottalife
Mr. Yotta ©️
Why aren’t you were you want to be ? Because your past is holding you back. You got hurt. You got betrayed. You didn’t get love. I get it. But as long as you hold on the wounds of your past your past will create your future. Let it go. Move on. Be open. You have to do more and do it different. Give everything to receive everything. No fear at all. Your past is gone. Let it be where it belongs : behind you and focus on what you really want!!! . You are the creator of your life and not your past. Most people got stuck in the behavior based on fear to feel the same pain again. That is your prison. Free yourself. NOW !!!! #money #motivation #success #cash #wealth #grind #lifestyle #business #entrepreneur #luxury #moneymaker #work #successful #hardwork #life #hardworkpaysoff #businessman #passion #millionaire #love #networkmarketing #businessowner #motivational #desire #entrepreneurship #stacks #entrepreneurs #smile #look #instagood
Mr. Yotta ©️
Stay true to yourself, yet always be open to learn. ... Stay focused, go after your dreams and keep moving toward your goals. ... Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them. ... My key to dealing with stress is simple: just stay cool and stay focused. . . . . #motivationalquotes #motivation #yolo #losangeles #focus #staypositive #millionaire #billionaires
Mr. Yotta ©️
Owners manual for success : 1) Dreams and wishes are for loser. What you need is a burning desire ! Find yours ! You feel the difference! 2) Make yourself believe that it is possible by using affirmations day by day 3) Create a strategy including timeline and action steps 4) Terminate any negative distractions like TV, bad behaviors or even relationships. Everything that lowers your energy 5) Start now ! Now ! Right now within the next minute 6) Keep going till you are there 7) Doublecheck your strategy to make sure your are still on the right path Impossible is not a fact. It is the opinion of other people. Make it happen ! In my VIP Bootcamp I will teach you all my tools and skills to achieve any goal. www.yotta.university ( link in bio )
Mr. Yotta ©️
Nobody ever flew by not falling down first. I failed multiple times in business, in relationship and in life but my dream was always bigger than my pain. And that makes the difference. It is your dream that gets you back on track. It is your dream that makes you grow through. I want you to dream again. Dream big and loud. Since I was a child people were laughing about my big dreams. Nothing changed till today and that shows me that my dreams are still big enough and I will not stop till my dreams become my reality. Fly with me and ignore the pain of falling down because failure is not the opposite of success. Failure is part of your success. . . . . . #yottalife #motivationalquotes #motivation #losangeles #fly #yotta #success #successquotes #yolo
Mr. Yotta ©️
Years ago I was homeless but I did my affirmations and felt like a Money Magnet. My believe became my reality. You must first feel it and then you ll become it. You are the creator of your life and nobody else ! Finally become aware of that and start creating !!!!! . . . . . . #yottalife #moneymagnet #yolo #motivationalquotes #motivational #losangeles #rich #wealth #motivationmonday
Mr. Yotta ©️
“If you don’t jump you can not survive the jump.” That is my personal quote and it has an immense meaning to me I would love to share. For me it is less important if I fail or succeed. Way more important is to me to just do it. To „jump“ out of my comfort zone. To „jump“ into the unknown and insecure adventure. Whatever happens then is irrelevant because at least I fucking did it. And this fulfills my whole being with pride and happiness. Way to often we think about what could happen. Jump and if you fail then jump again but here is the point: Jumping can never be a failure. Not jumping is the only failure. Jump into life and feel alive because you survive the jump. #yottalife #motivationalquotes #jumpman #yolo #happy
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  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    When I look back in 2019 then I remember the pain I felt in a toxic relationship and all I wanted is to be single not to get hurt anymore. But god had better plans and so I found at church the angel who gives me all I ever wanted: Just to be loved the way I am. And since that moment I have the most peaceful, passionated, loved, funniest and happiest relationship ever. So whenever you feel pain, just be sure something way better is waiting for you. I love you so much @mornourish 🙏🏻❤️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    Das Buch was mich fast mein Leben gekostet hätte. The America Dream - wie ich meinen persönlichen Traum erlebte und überlebte. Dieses Buch wird dich unterhalten, motivieren und schockieren! Das Buch über Geld, Macht und Mafia aber auch über Zweifel, Liebe und Leidenschaft. Dieses Buch habe ich für Euch geschrieben ! Es wird dein Leben und auch deine Sicht auf Los Angeles für immer verändern. Garantiert ! Check link in Bio !
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    In the past, I was always visualizing how my partner should be. After all the fails, I started focusing only on how I want to feel in a relationship. And then suddenly god send me an angel @mornourish ❤️ who makes me the most happy man ever. I love you so much ❤️ . . In der Vergangenheit habe ich mir immer vorgestellt, wie mein Partner sein sollte. Nach all den Misserfolgen konzentrierte ich mich nur darauf, wie ich mich in einer Beziehung fühlen will. Und von diesem Moment an schickte mir Gott einen Engel @mornourish ❤️, der mich zum glücklichsten Mann aller Zeiten macht. Ich liebe dich so sehr, Marisol ❤️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    Zwischen diesen beiden Bildern liegen 5 Monate ! Durch die Haartransplantation der @hairmedic_privatklinik wachsen und wachsen die Haare endlich auch dort wo vorher sehr wenig war. Ich liebe meine Haare und es hat mich vorher einfach genervt dass es nicht dicht genug war. Ich bin super happy, dass das nun gelöst ist. Wie gefällt dir das Ergebnis ?
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    Don't wish it was easier wish you were better. Don't wish for less problems wish for more skills. Don't wish for less challenge wish for more power. We all have our mountain to climb - our challenges to overcome. You can go thru or grow thru ! Use every challenge in life to become better and stronger. Type “YES” when you are down to climb your personal mountain in life ! . . . Filmed with @skydiohq on Yotta Bike Terminator
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    RabattCode : yotta2years Gehe zu: smilesecret.de ✨ Geld-zurück-Garantie ✨ Entwicklung von Zahnärzten ✨ Verzicht auf Peroxide ✨ meine Empfehlung
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    Das wohl persönlichste Video was ich jemals gepostet habe.
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    Discipline is the difference between where you are now and where you want to be. A great body , an inspirational mind or a beautiful soul does not come over night. It is hard work. Why hard ? Because you have to be persistent every single day. Keep going day by day to become better. Weiter immer Weiter. Type “yes” if you commit now to go for it !
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    I love this snapshot. This pic tells a lot. Tell me what you see ! Best comment wins a free coaching from the Yotta University.
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    21 years was the homeless Nathan playing piano on the Venice Boardwalk. The daily tips helped him to survive. Till the day his piano broke and Nathan was without piano , without food , without any hope ... With the help of the Yotta Family we got him a new piano and his story continues ...
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    You are in a trap. Yes you are. Listen carefully for 5 minutes and then decide if you are down for the 10-1-Challenge Schau dir dieses Video an. Nehme Dir 5 Minuten Zeit denn es ist echt wichtig. Dann sage mir ob du bei der 10-1-Challenge dabei bist.
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    Coaching Session. Schau dir alle 3 Videos an. Kennst du das ? Wenn die Vergangenheit deine Zukunft blockiert? Vielleicht öffnet Dir dieser Post die Augen. Ich sag nur : Leave your house !!!! Weiter immer Weiter. Und wer mehr davon haben möchte -> Klick auf den Link in meiner Bio.
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    Eigentlich wissen wir wie es geht und dennoch klappt es nicht. Warum ? Lass mich dein Mentor sein und deine Träume wahr werden lassen. Mit diesem Link bekommst du 90% Rabatt und zahlst weniger als 10 Euro pro Monat: ( LINK IN BIO ) https://yottauniversity.com/join
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    https://yottauniversity.com/join Link ist in BIO. Verändere jetzt dein Leben. Zugriff auf über 150 Stunden Coaching und alle Kurse. Täglich neuer Input, persönlicher Austausch mit mir und vieles mehr. Check it out now !
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg ist der erste Schritt zum Ziel. Aber was ist der erste Schritt ?
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    Love is not the desire to make someone perfect. It is the feeling that your partner is perfect in the way he is. It’s me and it will be always just me. Love it or leave it and then make space for someone who loves what she gets. Never let anyone bring you down or tell you you are not good enough or a problem. Love yourself, give your best and fucking enjoy this beautiful life and be happy. Type “YES” if you agree!
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    We all know that we have to warmup our muscles before workout. But have you ever done a mental warmup ? Watch the video. This is what I do and I do recommend it because you have to enter the gym with the right mindset and the body will follow. Filmed with @skydiohq
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    When you feel bad just grab your bike, your headphones and ride with a good tune. Too many times we get pulled down from our high frequency. Take control and stay in control of your mood then you master life. . . . Wenn du dich mal schlecht fühlst dann schwing dich auf dein Fahrrad, höre ein geiles Lied und fühle dich gut. Viel zu of lassen wir uns runter ziehen von negativer Energie anstatt die Kontrolle zu übernehmen und unsere Laune zu wechseln. Filmed with @skydiohq
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    I am sick of showing always just pics of happy moments. Because life is also sad moments. Right now I am facing my hardest challenge in my life. I face my biggest demons and have to break through old pattern. I feel sad for many reasons but I never give up. Right now my day is a roller coaster and it takes my last energy to keep my head straight. But I know why I am doing it. It will bring me to a new level. And on this level magical things will happen in my life. But till that I am here in hell alone. And it is just me vs. me. May the better version win ! God bless us ! . ————————————————— . Ich habe es satt immer nur die glücklichen Momente auf Instagram zu zeigen. Ich will mich zeigen ! Es ist nicht immer alles eitler Sonnenschein. Und im Moment geht es mir scheisse. Ich bin traurig. Ich bin in Schmerzen. Aber ich beklage mich nicht. Ich nutze den Schmerz um zu wachsen. Ich arbeite an mir aber es ist verdammt hart. Wenn du dich auch scheisse fühlst, dann sollst du wissen, Du bist nicht alleine. Viel Kraft uns allen ! #makeinstagramrealagain
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    I am facing the biggest challenge in my life. I have to leave my path and create a new one. But I do whatever it takes to achieve the light in my_life. Filmed with @skydiohq
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    Stand Up. Trust your own instincts, go inside, follow your heart. Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. My story is a freedom song of struggle. Everything is a learning process: any time you fall over, it's just teaching you to stand up the next ...weiter immer weiter . . . Stand Up M. Vertraue deinen eigenen Instinkten, gehe hinein und folge deinem Herzen. Mut ist, aufzustehen und zu kämpfen. Mut ist es auch, sich hinzusetzen und zuzuhören. Meine Geschichte ist ein Freiheitslied des Kampfes. Alles ist ein Lernprozess: Jedes Mal, wenn ich hinfallen, lerne ich und dann stehe ich wieder auf ...weiter immer weiter . . Type yes if you are a fighter !
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    I build my body to protect me. I got hurt way to often. Now I realize I just can only protect my heart with the right frequency. If you have the right frequency then only people with the same frequency will be able to be with you. All others will walk away or can not stand it. So if you have the wrong people around you then don’t complain. Just change your frequency and the world around you will change. You are in charge ! Tell me which pic you like more 1 or 2 ? Both pics were taken when I was incredible happy !!! . . Ich kreierte meinen Körper, um mich zu schützen. Ich wurde viel zu oft verletzt. Jetzt ist mir klar geworden, dass ich mein Herz nur mit der richtigen Frequenz schützen kann. Wenn Du die richtige Frequenz hast, können nur Personen mit derselben Frequenz mit Dir sein. Alle anderen gehen weg oder können es nicht ertragen. Wenn Du also die falschen Leute in deinem Leben hast, beschwere dichnicht. Ändere einfach dieFrequenz und die Welt um Dich herum wird sich ändern. Welches Pic gefällt dir besser 1 oder 2 ?
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    We all have been falling down. We all stood up again but the more often you fall the more you hesitate to get back because doubt starts to fuck with you. Maybe you can’t do it. Maybe it’s not good for you. Maybe it’s the wrong way. And so on. But remember why you started. Adjust and learn from the mistakes. The experience of failure will help you making it better next time. But never ever doubt yourself. Do your daily affirmations and make yourself believe that you can and everything is possible. . *************************************************** . Wir sind alle schon mal gefallen. Wir sind alle wieder aufgestanden, aber je öfter wir fallen, desto mehr zögern wir, zurück zu kommen, denn der Zweifel beginnt mit uns Spielchen zu spielen. Vielleicht können wir es nicht tun. Vielleicht ist es nicht gut für dich. Vielleicht ist es der falsche Weg. Und so weiter. Aber denk daran, warum du angefangen hast. Passe dich an und lernen Sie aus den Fehlern. Die Erfahrung des Scheiterns hilft dir, es beim nächsten Mal besser zu machen. Aber zweifle niemals an dir. Mache deine täglichen Affirmationen und mach dich glauben, dass du es kannst und alles möglich ist. . — Kommentiere “Ja” wenn du ein Kämpfer bist —— Tage 3 Freunde und gewinne gratis Coaching.
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    For the case you feel not motivated @stoni_23 and me created a little video to bring back the fun and joy of working out. My mission is to inspire and motivate as much people as possible to be alive. Unfortunately most of the humans focus on surviving instead of being alive. Follow your heart. Live your passion. Be strong , healthy and full of energy. Weiter immer Weiter
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    Be in the Flow. You are in the Flow when things become easy and your performance is beyond limits. You also can be in the flow when you think less and feel more. Children have the ability. They just do things with pleasure and joy. They forget about time and space and focus for hours on a single thing. We all should practice this way more often. When I am on my bike, connected with nature and finding beautiful spots then I am in the flow. Try it. The flow is a peaceful and powerful state of mind !
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    Die letzten 6 Wochen waren unglaublich intensiv. Ich bin an meine Grenzen gestossen und habe sie durchbrochen. Anfeindungen, Lügen, Hähme und Spott, mediale Hetzkampagne plus die Challenge im Dschungel. Und ich habe nie aufgeben. Habe Haltung bewahrt. Mich nicht provozieren lassen. Bin immer positiv geblieben und vorallem ich bin ich selbst geblieben. Das alles hat dazu geführt dass ihr mir Respekt und Liebe entgegen gebracht habt wie ich es mir nicht zu träumen gewagt hätte. Es zeigt dass ihr Euch von den Medien nicht mehr manipulieren lasst sondern euch eine eigene Meinung bildet. Dafür zolle ich Euch meinen Respekt und meine Liebe. Ich bin unendlich dankbar für all den Support und ich kann Euch versprechen : Ich mache weiter , immer weiter. Das ist erst der Anfang. Jetzt geht’s erst richtig los. Und an alle Hater: Ihr zerstört nur Euch selbst also lasst es lieber denn spätestens jetzt solltet auch ihr erkennen: you can’t knock my shine ! Yotta Family ihr seid die Familie die ich nie hatte und immer haben wollte. I love you all ❤️ ❤️❤️❤️ **************************************************** The last 6 weeks have been incredibly intense. I have reached my limits and have broken through them. Hostility, lies, paralysis and mockery, media hate campaign plus the challenge in the jungle. And I never give up. I have maintained my positive attitude. I never let them provoke me and answered with a smile. And I always remained positive and especially I stayed truth to myself. All this lead to the point that you have shown me respect and love as I would have dared not to dream. It shows that you do not let yourself be manipulated by the media but form your own opinion. For that, I pay you my respect and my love. I am immensely grateful for all the support and I can promise you: I keep going, on and on. This is only the beginning. Now it really starts. And to all Haters: You only destroy yourself so let it be because latest now you should realize that you can not knock my shine! Yotta Family You are the family I never had and always wanted to have. I love you all ❤️❤️❤️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    Jedes Bootcamp ist für mich eine enorme Herausforderung. Menschen schenken mir ihr Vertrauen und haben die Hoffnung, dass ich Ihnen helfe, sie motiviere und inspiriere. Ich nehme das sehr ernst. Mein Anspruch ist Leben zu verändern. Die Medien versuchen mich zu verspotten und schaffen es nicht. Sie versuchen Schmutzkampagnen und wollen mir den Mund verbieten, während ich weiter immer weiter mache. Und während meine Hater Hasstiraden kommentieren, ändere ich das Leben anderer Menschen. Und je mehr ihr mich bekämpft desto lauter schreie ich “ we are strong, healthy and full of energy”. Every bootcamp is a huge challenge for me. People give me their trust and hope that I will help, motivate and inspire them. I take that very seriously. My claim is to change lives. The media is trying to mock me and can not do it. They are trying to get dirty and wanting to keep my mouth shut while I keep going. And while my haters comment on hate speech, I change the lives of other people. And the more you fight me the louder I scream "we are strong, healthy and full of energy".
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    Es geht weiter. Ich habe viel gelernt die letzten 3 Wochen. Über mich. Über andere. Über das Leben. Über das Showbusiness. Es war eine harte aber lehrreiche Zeit. Ich bin dankbar für alles was ich erlebt habe. Ich danke allen von ganzem Herzen die mich unterstützt habe. Euer Support und Eure Liebe ist Balsam für meine Seele. Ich gratuliere allen Teilnehmern der Show, denn aufgegeben hat keiner und somit sind wir alle Kämpfer. Strong, Healthy and full of Energy wurde deutschlandweit bekannt. Möge es viele motivieren mehr aus ihrem Leben zu machen und vor allem zu erkennen dass ihr der Meister eures Lebens seid. An alle Hater: Ihr trinkt Gift und hofft der andere stirbt. Möge Gott Euch segnen. Danke an meine Fans. Ich bin stolz und glücklich Euch meine Yotta Family zu nennen. Und jetzt geht es ... Weiter immer weiter ! It goes on. I learned a lot the last 3 weeks. About me. About others. About life. About the show business. It was a hard but instructive time. I am grateful for everything I have experienced. Thank you all wholeheartedly for supporting me. Your support and your love is balm for my soul. I congratulate all participants of the show, because no one gave up and so we are all fighters. Strong, Healthy and full of Energy became known throughout Germany. May many be motivated to do more with their lives, and most of all, to realize that you are the master of your life. To all Haters: You drink poison and hope the other dies. May God bless you. Thanks to my fans. I am proud and happy to call you my Yotta Family. And now ... Keep going again and again and again. Weiter immer weiter.
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    Die Angst ausschalten. Auf das fokussieren was man will und nicht was man fürchtet.
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    Das bin ich. Und ich bin es immer noch. Ein kleiner Junge der das Abenteuer liebt und viel Liebe braucht. Lediglich meine Schale drum herum welche ich durch mein Leben bekommen habe versteckt diesen kleinen Jungen oft sehr geschickt. Jeder will im Dschungel performen und gefallen. Das ist normal. Dennoch habe ich mir vorgenommen diesen kleinen Jungen fast 40 Jahre nach diesem Foto in sein größtes Abenteuer zu schicken. Basti geh rein und rocke das und vor allem habe Spaß. Alles Liebe Dein älteres Ich. *************************************************** This is me. And I still the same. A little boy who loves adventures and needs a lot of love. Only my shell around me which I got through my life often hides this little boy. Everyone wants to perform and to win the show. That is normal. Nevertheless, I have decided to send this little boy into his greatest adventure almost 40 years after this photo. Basti go for it and rock it and most of all, have fun. Love your older self Bastian
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    HOW to handle a challenge in 8 steps in a YottaWay ! This is a very important post and I do hope you will take the time to read and understand. Most of my 750K followers on insta and 2M on snapchat look up to me and see me as a role model. But I do have the same problems and the same challenges like you. Only the way I do react and handle them is different and that is why I want to share here my knowledge and tools. When I have to fight a battle I have created my own protocol how to handle it, here it is: 1) I accept the challenge by knowing I have created it by my own thoughts from the past. I am responsible. 2) I never blame anybody else besides me, because we create everything with our mindset 3) That means I have to change my mindset not to create same or similar challenges in the future. 4) I visualize the perfect solution by not judging if it seems possible or not - I just see the perfect result 5) I make myself believe that this perfect solution is possible by making fitting affirmations 6) I create a strategy what to do next and I take action 7) I trust the universe and I am grateful for this lesson 8) I focus on something really nice and hear my favorite music to get on a high frequency and to feel epic or I just kiss the love of my life @m.y._life___ and I raise my frequency right away. I hope those 8 steps will help you overcome the next challenge more easily. #yottalife for everyone Don't wish it would be easier. Wish you would be stronger. #challenge #nevergiveup #lawofattraction
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    You always find excuses for not doing what should be done. I go to the gym even if my car explodes. That is of course just an image to show you what it means to be unstoppable. A lot of you guys start and many get stopped. I want you to become unstoppable because it is not over until it’s done. Go for it and be unstoppable! It is your life and your choice. You can make the decision now: Be unstoppable !
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    A great body is just a side effect of a great mind. I go to the gym to train my mind not to give up and to do more than I think I can. Anytime when I break through my limit I get stronger mentally and physically. If you read this then move your ass to the gym and experience what I am taking about. The feeling is priceless.
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    The street of success is a lonely one. Because some people don’t understand your why. Some people don’t want you to move forward. Some people simply can not follow. But all that doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is: chose your destination and then go for it. They will tell you it is the wrong way. Go for it. They will tell you you won’t make it. Go for it. Whatever they will tell you don’t listen and go for it. One day you will look back and you will know: You made it and it was your way. Then they will come and tell you that they always believed in you. Just smile. The smile of a winner to the lambs. Fotocredit: @stoni_23 📽
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    True friendship doesn’t know bank accounts, social status, age or anything else. The only thing that matters is the strong connection between two human beings. Thank you Nathan for being my friend since we met the first time. This was exactly today 7 years ago. You are a precious and wise man and I appreciate all our conversations. Thank you for being my friend ❤️ Tag your friend to say thank you !!!
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    The world is moving fast. Life is moving fast. The question is: Are you moving or are you getting moved by the world ? Sometimes you have to stand still and re-center. You will realize the powerful calmness while the world keeps moving. Then you choose your direction and start moving. It is your life. It’s your choice. It’s your direction. Stand still and ask yourself if you are still on track towards your dreams ! Because that is the only way to go ! Special thanks to @frederickdbarnes for this illusion.
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    Read this very carefully: You can not fly if you carry to much weight. We all want to jump high in life but we simply carry to much weight with us what holds us back. This weight are negative people, our past, fear to fail, simply any kind of negativity. If you want to fly you have to get rid of all this BS. I guess all of you know exactly what their „weight“ is. So today is cut-off-day. Say Good Bye to the wrong people, to limiting thoughts, to any kind of negative influence. Free yourself and jump to the next level in life !
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    How to attract the most beautiful girls ? Simply read from the Yotta Bibel. The knowledge of this book helped me to create my paradise on earth and will enable you to do the same. Lots of love and gratitude goes to Germany for making my book Bestseller No. 1 and one of the most successful of 2018. But way more important than those rankings are the thousands of messages from people who changed their life after reading the Yotta Bibel. That makes me truly happy. I love you all ❤️. Very soon available in English as well. 📖 . And after reading it you will realize you don’t have to live on your knees. Stand up for your dreams !! . . Special thanks to my favorite beauties of this planet : @khloe @cjsparxx @thejennanicole @crystalhoang and my best friend @nataliasilva_art for capturing the holy moment of enlightenment. I am a blessed man 👼🏼
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    Years ago I was counting the money on my bank account. Nowadays I count the lifes I change to the better. What a difference I can tell. I don’t post those pics to get appreciation. I post them to remind you that giving something back is wonderful and a rule of life. Everybody can do it. Try it. It will make you and others happy. Win-Win ! *************************** Thanks as well to my best friend Natalia and my great students Nora, Thomas and Jason for the lovely support. 🙏🏻 🎥: @nataliasilva_art 😘
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    I got back to my old passion playing basketball. There is nothing more satisfying than jumping high, being unstoppable and winning. So let’s make a bet. I bet none of my followers can beat me. I bet 10K cash. You don’t have to bring money. Tag one friend and I will randomly choose 3 guys to challenge me. Wanna make 10K ? Here is your chance ! Good Luck.
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    I am doing an epic Q&A and will publish the answers in a Youtube Video about success and motivation. Ask me anything you want and I ll pick the best ones. It‘s your turn guys!
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    We all have goals and dreams but be aware of the impact. It is never about your goals. It is what the goal forces you to become. To achieve goals you have to become bigger, better and stronger. Money, fame or luxury can be fading but your personal growth will last forever. So choose goals that challenge you to become the best version of yourself and then enjoy the progress. The harder the way the better you get ! . . . #love #followback #instagramers #envywear #tweegram #photooftheday #20likes #amazing #smile #follow4follow #like4like #look #instalike #igers #picoftheday #food #instadaily #instafollow #followme #girl #instagood #bestoftheday #instacool #envywearco #follow #colorful #style #swag #motivation #yottalife Wenn du mehr lernen willst über meine Tools und über meinen Aufstieg von homeless to Hollywood dann hole dir mein neues Buch. Link in Bio - Die Yotta BIBEL !
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    I was looking for the best book and couldn’t find it so I wrote it ! This is my unpublished story with all my tools and knowledge. It will not change the world but your life. I was homeless and tried to kill myself and today I am financially independent, happy and love life. What happened ? Read it !Check link in bio ! #yottalife
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    Why aren’t you were you want to be ? Because your past is holding you back. You got hurt. You got betrayed. You didn’t get love. I get it. But as long as you hold on the wounds of your past your past will create your future. Let it go. Move on. Be open. You have to do more and do it different. Give everything to receive everything. No fear at all. Your past is gone. Let it be where it belongs : behind you and focus on what you really want!!! . You are the creator of your life and not your past. Most people got stuck in the behavior based on fear to feel the same pain again. That is your prison. Free yourself. NOW !!!! #money #motivation #success #cash #wealth #grind #lifestyle #business #entrepreneur #luxury #moneymaker #work #successful #hardwork #life #hardworkpaysoff #businessman #passion #millionaire #love #networkmarketing #businessowner #motivational #desire #entrepreneurship #stacks #entrepreneurs #smile #look #instagood
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    Stay true to yourself, yet always be open to learn. ... Stay focused, go after your dreams and keep moving toward your goals. ... Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them. ... My key to dealing with stress is simple: just stay cool and stay focused. . . . . #motivationalquotes #motivation #yolo #losangeles #focus #staypositive #millionaire #billionaires
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    Owners manual for success : 1) Dreams and wishes are for loser. What you need is a burning desire ! Find yours ! You feel the difference! 2) Make yourself believe that it is possible by using affirmations day by day 3) Create a strategy including timeline and action steps 4) Terminate any negative distractions like TV, bad behaviors or even relationships. Everything that lowers your energy 5) Start now ! Now ! Right now within the next minute 6) Keep going till you are there 7) Doublecheck your strategy to make sure your are still on the right path Impossible is not a fact. It is the opinion of other people. Make it happen ! In my VIP Bootcamp I will teach you all my tools and skills to achieve any goal. www.yotta.university ( link in bio )
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    Nobody ever flew by not falling down first. I failed multiple times in business, in relationship and in life but my dream was always bigger than my pain. And that makes the difference. It is your dream that gets you back on track. It is your dream that makes you grow through. I want you to dream again. Dream big and loud. Since I was a child people were laughing about my big dreams. Nothing changed till today and that shows me that my dreams are still big enough and I will not stop till my dreams become my reality. Fly with me and ignore the pain of falling down because failure is not the opposite of success. Failure is part of your success. . . . . . #yottalife #motivationalquotes #motivation #losangeles #fly #yotta #success #successquotes #yolo
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    Years ago I was homeless but I did my affirmations and felt like a Money Magnet. My believe became my reality. You must first feel it and then you ll become it. You are the creator of your life and nobody else ! Finally become aware of that and start creating !!!!! . . . . . . #yottalife #moneymagnet #yolo #motivationalquotes #motivational #losangeles #rich #wealth #motivationmonday
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

    “If you don’t jump you can not survive the jump.” That is my personal quote and it has an immense meaning to me I would love to share. For me it is less important if I fail or succeed. Way more important is to me to just do it. To „jump“ out of my comfort zone. To „jump“ into the unknown and insecure adventure. Whatever happens then is irrelevant because at least I fucking did it. And this fulfills my whole being with pride and happiness. Way to often we think about what could happen. Jump and if you fail then jump again but here is the point: Jumping can never be a failure. Not jumping is the only failure. Jump into life and feel alive because you survive the jump. #yottalife #motivationalquotes #jumpman #yolo #happy
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️
  • Mr. Yotta ©️

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