• Светлана Николаева

Дмитрий Стаев Инстаграм фото

Dimitrii Staev
21 Февраля в Москве пройдёт мой первый сольный перформанс в России. Приглашаю вас в пространство @cube_moscow @azotgallery стать частью этого эксперимента. Перформанс "С и я н и е" экспериментальное исследование баланса внутренней природы в отражении с внешней. Танец контролирующей и бесконтрольной связи тела/разум, в осознанном внимании настоящего. Пятница , Москва, Тверская 3, здание отеля Ritz Carlton, -2 этаж. 18:00-21:00. Вход свободный. ___________________________________ February 21, my first solo performance in Russia. Join me in @cube_moscow @azotgallery and be a part of this experiment. Performance "Radiance" is an experimental research of the balance of the internal nature in reflection with the external. The dance of the controlling and uncontrolled connection of the body / mind, with the conscious attention of the present. Friday, Moscow, Tverskaya 3, Ritz Carlton Hotel, -2 floor. 18: 00-21: 00. Free entrance. Curator : @blanar @wlhteam #wlh_art @ludovicdesaintsernin __________________________ Photograph by @chloeblm
Dimitrii Staev
First day with a Spiral. Clockwise.
Dimitrii Staev
#coronavirus #mityastaev #singapore #dance Location: @mpdssingapore Music: Alva Noto + Ryuichi Sakomoto Created with @yumimarvelous
Dimitrii Staev
Dimitrii Staev
Я намеревался начать вести свой видеодневник, делиться с людьми своим опытом, приобретёнными идеями,знаниями. Серии, посвящённые определенной цели. Объединить людей возможностью осознать и раскрыть свою божественную природу. Я думал с чего начать, и как часто происходит в жизни, жизнь решила за меня. Начну чуть позже, а пока что делюсь тем что вырывается! Сегодня мне написала девушка с признанием в своём страхе показать миру своё настоящее проявление, боязнь выражать себя так как хочется. В песнях, визуальном искусстве и тд. Меня это сильно тронуло, так как со мной происходило то же самое и продолжает происходить. Я думаю это касается многих людей, ведь в определенной степени все мы взращены фразами из разряда : «Не реви, что ты ревешь как девка», «Не придуряйся, ты что клоун?», Заткнись! Шевелись! Не ори. Что ты на себя напялила? Не хнычь. Что ты как маленький? Мальчики не играют в куклы, Девочки должны вести себя скромно и тд. Помните каким вы были ребёнком? Куча энергии, любопытства, свобода самовыражения, легкость. И с каждой подобной вышеупомянутой фразой ваш поток энергии становился уже и тише. Страхов больше и больше. Что ж, это касается всех людей, так как каждый человек по своей природе творец. Посмотрите на любое дерево, на любую птицу, на любое животное. Мы осуждаем их за самовыражение? Они такие какие они есть. Мы не думаем что львицы не должны охотиться, что их дело только сидеть с детенышами. Мы ведь не думаем о том, что дерево дало плоды некрасивой формы, «-Какие то не секси яблоки в этом году.» Не знаю как вы, но я так не думаю. Мы наслаждаемся пением птиц, мы умиляемся пушистым пандам, мы восхищаемся грацией кошек, танцем осеннего листопада, свежестью дождя и теплом солнечного света. Вы когда нибудь думали о том что солнце недостаточно стильное? Или что оно слишком круглое? Оно просто светит, оно дарит, оно дарит! Почему мы боимся просто дарить? Просто быть собой, какими бы мы ни были? Боимся получить неприятные ощущения. Так как есть люди, кто возможно найдёт в нашем настоящем творчестве что то не приятное, то что они не принимают в себе, и по этому не позволяют это другим. Осуждают, но осуждают сами себя... Продолжение в комментарии.
Dimitrii Staev
Pray form.
Dimitrii Staev
Feeling so much love right now, gratitude for the opportunity to share with you. Here is my first online education platform, created completely by me. I want to say thank all of the people who interested in #tangowithpole space, who feel something, listening this kind of music, and feel the energy, a desire to express yourself . Through my perspective I would say what this course is amount of opportunities. Opportunity of self-expression, self-exploring journey, connection between your body, mind and spirit, challenge or active meditation, pleasure and self confidence. Dance, freedom. Opportunity to feel, to be just you. I love you. Link in bio. #poletdanceschool #mityastaev #tangowithpoleonlinecourse
Dimitrii Staev
Dimitrii Staev
MALE POLE DANCERS ARE CERTAINLY A RARE BREED. HAS THIS AFFECTED YOUR OWN PERCEPTIONS OF MASCULINITY? ______________________________________________________________“I started practicing pole dance at the same time with studying at the Academy of Art and Culture, at the ballet master’s faculty. At the same time I was already formed at some point, I had my own perception of femininity and masculinity. A year later I participated Russian National Pole Sport Championship. Audience in this community is used to see a men, who came to the pole dance from parkour, acrobatics or the workout, but not from the dance world.After my performance, I received hundreds of comments on the video, that ballet on the pole is “for wimps”, and this is not about sport at all , “not manly”. Now I am grateful for that opinion. This experience gave me an understanding, that I am not interested about sport at all. It brought me to my present time, to accept myself as I am, to realize that I am an artist. And I do not care how my dance determined visually: masculine or feminine. The main thing is that it is honest. And I choose bravery, to be heard by my own voice, without masks, without fear of being unpleasant. And it seems to me that this bravery is the true masculinity.” _____________________ Find my interview for @oddamagazine 17 @dmitrybrylev @ttaylorfreeman @danielwrodgers @davidmartingss @blanar
Dimitrii Staev
Finally found the new @oddamagazine issue #17 with my interview. What a beautiful moment to have an interview of my beloved soul @vladislavzorin here too. Sunset gratitude for all the people who created this present. @davidmartingss @ttaylorfreeman @dmitrybrylev And special hug to @blanar
Dimitrii Staev
Immortal mountain
Dimitrii Staev
Rainbow for me is a symbol of man / humanity. Water reflecting light. Man is the bridge between the animal and the God-man. This bridge has 7 stages, 7 rainbow colors, 7 chakras. In nucleation and in the first days after birth, a person manifests himself as a process of absorption. All the nutrients from the mother go through the umbilical cord; he is getting some love through absorbing matter, eats and sleeps, eats and sleeps. The simplest single-celled Amoeba is nothing but one big mouth, its only function is to consume. At the level of adults, this is also openly visible, and extremely popular in our modern society. Over time, Amoeba divided, the same amoeba begins to coexist next to it. Transition to the second level. The level of the game, manipulation. At the second level, the child directs his attention to the people around him, parents, relatives ... The first moments of communication, the first awareness of his abilities to create, to play. All children are skilled manipulators, they know that in order to get something you need to issue a signal, crying or laughing. Adults can not resist the smile of the baby, smiling in response. By workaround the child receives a feeling of wholeness , love . For example, like adults, that within themselves the same children, Manipulate each other, instead of simply and directly asking for what they need. More often than not, a simple hug fills us much more than a new fur coat. The next stage is the third. Manipura At this level, opposites merge. Most often, people who are not holistic within themselves fall in love with people with the most opposite inner world. They see in them what they would like to have within themselves. Two halves are combined, and if both halves have something that is missing each other, they quite organically become whole. They confluence is an orgasmic etude and at this moment the first, brightest glimpse occurs. A divine ray illuminated the lake of consciousness. Feeling this shortest moment of nirvana, they wants more. More and more. This is less characteristic of integral people within themselves; they live from the center. Heart Chakra - Anahata, middle.Swipe>
Dimitrii Staev
Here is me and my friend and wonderful student @svetlanaslastikhin and we are dancing for you. #tangowithpole workshops are available this month in New York City @incredipole studio, every Fridays 8pm. And! Very soon #tangowithpoleonlinecourse will be available for every one, stay tuned, flow present. Music: Astor Piazzolla - Imperial Space: @mpdsmiami
Dimitrii Staev
“Sinoptique” July 2017. Для оригинала текста листайте в право. “I feel an absolute connection with nature. I feel that this was influenced by several ceremonies of the Amazonian forests medicine. A medicine men, Jerome, shared with me the knowledge of the Lakota people. #mitakuyeoyasin he told me, confirming my own knowledge. This phrase translates as “Everything is related .” We are all whole and at the same time parts of one whole. The planet as a single organism, we are cells. The animal kingdom, the plant world, the world of minerals ... We are all one. We are all in a process of balance. For a long time, mankind pressed on one side of a motor boat, now the time has come when we are pumping in the opposite. It is about the present state of the planet. The degree is rising, climate change is obvious. Despite the forecast of Mask and Hawking of the constant death of mankind, I remain in the present and share with you my real feelings and thoughts. The world is changing, glaciers are melting, volcanoes are waking up more often, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods and other phenomena make themselves felt every day. When you read about it on your device’s screen, it all seems like a virtual story. I also thought so. In 2017, during the hurricane Irma, I felt fear watching the flying palm trees and other large objects. I was lucky, just like this year, Hurricane Dorian walked along the coast, leaving behind 70,000 homeless people in the Bahamas and Abaco. This is one of hundreds of cases. Yes, with my attention I am only feeding this situation, but without acknowledging myself as vital, I cannot move in the direction of change. But actually, why do I need to change anything? Nature itself will cleanse the planet; the balancing process is inherent in everything. You can put up with this and continue to consume, while remaining a passive spectator of such a grandiose performance. Personally, I can’t do this, I have love for myself, love for people, love for trees, flowers, minerals, for mother nature...» Swipe to the right to continue.
Dimitrii Staev
Attention | Whole October I will teach my workshop series #tangowithpole in New York City @incredipole studio. 4 weeks / 4 workshops. This flow about freedom, about acceptance, about beauty, about us. letshavesomefun 🐰
Dimitrii Staev
Dimitrii Staev
Dimitrii Staev
I just can’t keep it inside. Shuffle played this song, and I accepted. There was a mirror in front of me, and I had judged a bit, but trying to let it go more and more. Became lighter, more lighter. Life process. Present. Me as Attention in this Present Flow , just Trusting and Following. Becoming free enough to be honest. And at the end I know what I really know nothing, but I just can’t keep it inside. Music: Depeche Mode - Freelove Location: @mpdsmiami
Dimitrii Staev
Dimitrii Staev
2015. My first ever #tangowithpole lesson. At this time I had no clue how many people around the globe will feel something about this dance discipline. I was afraid to share this with the world, but still like an echo in my had : “Trust and follow, trust and follow”
Dimitrii Staev
Dimitrii Staev
Dimitrii Staev
Kids are nudists
Dimitrii Staev
Playing with some restrictions in @mpdsmiami Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you! I’m here, Miami for a month. 🦕
Dimitrii Staev
Dimitrii Staev
This plant is going to host his workshop! One and only in this month. __________________________ New York City | June 29 ”Tango with Pole” Registration and additional info: @foxyfitnessandpole @virgilavery _____________________________________ #heisback
Dimitrii Staev
Portrait by @gerardovizmanos
Dimitrii Staev
Simply adoring this life by this magic dialogue with my body. @rhye @foxyfitnessandpole
Dimitrii Staev
Dimitrii Staev
Dimitrii Staev
The first work from my series - "Fasting week, self portraits". 2018 Beautiful memory with my dearest friends.
Dimitrii Staev
While I'm preparing for you my first online course "Tango with pole", you can book my class in Europe. I'm in Paris from April 17th. Друзья, я приехал не на долго в Россию. Приятные встречи с вами, на улицах городов, под лампами, в танцевальных залах... Расписание и запись на мастерклассы в России по ссылке в профиле. #tangowithpole #pole
Dimitrii Staev
I am surprised how many people are currently experiencing global inner changes. Lostness, loss of meaning, rejection, misunderstanding, guilt, fears, reconfiguration of values, loneliness, lack of will, a range of colorful though it can all be expressed briefly ... In recent days I have had several long phone conversations with my close people, all they have the same symptoms, experiences. For coming to the end of the 23rd year of my life, I experienced a large number of completely different experiences, that became an opportunity to feel deep compassion for other people. During these conversations, I shared this experience, how I went through and continue to go through inner rebuilding, and it became much lighter for my friends. And for me , for me too. Through compassion, it became so easy for us to accept it as it is and allow isness of these experiences, without blaming ourselves, without running away from ourselves. Here tears are rarely shared, more often here the pictures of an “ideal” life, which, by the way, these tears are often came from. But experiencing such emotions is also wonderful, sometimes our strength is revealed in flexibility. And if you are in the process, I mentally convey my support to you from the heart. You are loved. You are not alone. @watermillcenter /@photo_by_baranova Morning meeting with @bob___wilson.
Dimitrii Staev
В знойный летний день, когда дети крутились во дворах, на пляжах топтались босоногие отдыхающие и муравьи моргали на раскалённых камнях, вдруг, неожиданно стало прохладно. Через несколько минут начался град. Холодно, холодно настолько, что кошки сбежали в подвал по привычке. В информационном поле Земли стали отражаться мысли о климатическом катаклизме. С неба продолжали сыпаться подожженные купюры. В квартирах кипели чайники, а окна слегка отражали изумленные лица. Внутри домов резко распускались цветы. Звенели телефоны, линии трескались от восторженных слов. Это был первый рабочий день Бога Любви. Политики собирались в конгрессы, в объятия, в поцелуи. Гремели новые законы. Больницы переименовали в Здравницы, закрыли зоопарки. Стало теплее, сопливые носы выпрыскивали накопленную усталость и тревогу. Открыли границы! Навсегда. Постепенно оттаивала ледяная корка, всех жителей охватило желание чистоты. Мокрые швабры и пылесосы сменили предшествующие ремонтные работы. Можно дышать! На улицах проглядывала свежая трава, все казалось новым. Глаза всех сущностей засияли чем-то детским. Церкви и мечети превратили в дома радости. Исчезли автомобили с их дизельной историей, бесчисленные экраны исчезли. Люди открывали в себе телепатию, телепортацию, телекинез. Все вокруг поют! Поют о любви, игриво и радостно. Каждая жизнь наполнилась мелодией. Солнце отогревало зябкие деревья, птицы вылетали на свет. О войнах забыли! Просто забыли. Забыли о браконьерстве, коррупции, воровстве, ГМО, терроризме, чипировании, прививках, проституции, насилии, голоде, абортах, рекламных вывесках, бездомных и очереди в женский туалет. Роботы построили новые, ультрачеловечные дома. Самолеты сбрасывали семена для выращивания плодоносов, в воздухе пахло чистой простыней. Бог Любви посылал своих помощников тем, кто никак не мог полюбить себя. Таких людей осыпали порошком абсолютного принятия, розовым, блестящим. Им становилось так смешно и щекотно, все их страхи пропадали. Они перестали сравнивать и начали просто жить. Просто быть, в моменте. «-Ах как это просто.» Сказал Бог Любви, наслаждаясь вечерним закатом, в окружении медовых улиток и колокольных светлячков. #утренниестраницы
Dimitrii Staev
Oh my dear
Dimitrii Staev
A portrait of me in the green room by @gerardovizmanos
Dimitrii Staev
One more from “Sunday puddle” series. July.18
Dimitrii Staev
Happy to announce my photography project - “I was here before”. This story has huge roots, spinning globe with blind picking, old postcards with the skyline, childhood, with an opportunity for the future, and I became a character of my own dream. New York gives me unusual memories, seems like this experienced before. It keeps u in role of curious tourist, increasing the speed of everything. 2 first weeks, fresh film cuts, was year ago or repeated. Endless present, permanent deja vu. Full project you can see on my website. Link in bio.........................................................................................
Dimitrii Staev
Dimitrii Staev
Synoptique. summer 17
Dimitrii Staev
Dimitrii Staev
"Still life" Created and performed by me. ___________________ In my works, I pay attention on the image of the mirror. This object is next to me from the earliest years. Huge mirrors in a ballroom reflected the outward feet and smooth lines in hands, then the mirror rounded and stretched out to the ceiling through a steel tube, I began to dance directly with it. Sliding up and down, spinning left and right. All life is represented by a dance with mirrors, their infinite number. As Castaneda wrote, all we do is creating senseless figures in front of the mirror. The realization that the whole world around me is my reflection, in collaboration with awareness, helps me to recognize myself, to look at all my patterns , to become freer, to accept. It seems to me! Constantly changing in the present moment. In the work "Still life" the image and the idea I invested changed with each rehearsal, gradually. And after half of year, it is actively changing, inside of me. In May, I saw a fragment about struggle and acceptance, about ignorance and compassion, about disease and fear, animal and man, about machines and the future, present and past, desire, life, loneliness, hopes for illusion, indulgence, about faith, dual integrity and separation, ego, memory, light, circle, spiral, roots ... Now it is different.  Each of you may see something, and find yourself. This performance took place on the American Pole League Championship. May 2018. Background shots were made during my hiking in the desert and the mountains of Arizona. Link on this work in bio.___________ Grateful for the opportunity to make that happen @foxyfitnessandpole @virgilavery @pinkpumainc ___________________ Перевод ниже.
Dimitrii Staev
The walk after the night with six knives.
Dimitrii Staev
Kids on a playground
Dimitrii Staev
Feels like bones before a fever. A thin sword , mercurial flow. Tasteless. Powerful and fragile, power in fragility, freedom of the shore, destruction, distortion,reflecting, when the warm coming from the cold, when you feel the spiral, the center is spreading to the ocean, a cloud, the spinning pulse in a wrist, and you are inside of the omnipotent structure, the dust of silence, to chop the water, to embrace the water. Moment splash. Witness: @chloeblm .......................................... Ощущение костей перед жаром. Тонкий меч, течение ртути. Лишенное вкуса. Сильно и хрупко, сила в хрупкости, свобода берега, разрушение, искажение, отраженное, когда тепло исходит из холода, когда чувствуешь спираль, центр распространяется в океан, облако, пульс вращается в запястье, и ты внутри всемогущей структуры, пыль тишины, рубить воду, объять воду. Мгновенный всплеск.
Dimitrii Staev
The beginning of the practice. Shuffle playlist, gradually warming up, different vibes, sometimes silly and chill or intensive and fast. Sometimes with a mirror sometimes with out. What is still? Btw, do you want me to share more videos from my practicing?
Dimitrii Staev
Dimitrii Staev
October 27th . My first workshop in New York. @foxyfitnessandpole 12 -1:30pm Sign up through MindBody. All additional information here @foxyfitnessandpole Looking forward to see you and share.
Dimitrii Staev
Pressure in a throat
Dimitrii Staev
Farrah and Berlin.
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  • Dimitrii Staev

    21 Февраля в Москве пройдёт мой первый сольный перформанс в России. Приглашаю вас в пространство @cube_moscow @azotgallery стать частью этого эксперимента. Перформанс "С и я н и е" экспериментальное исследование баланса внутренней природы в отражении с внешней. Танец контролирующей и бесконтрольной связи тела/разум, в осознанном внимании настоящего. Пятница , Москва, Тверская 3, здание отеля Ritz Carlton, -2 этаж. 18:00-21:00. Вход свободный. ___________________________________ February 21, my first solo performance in Russia. Join me in @cube_moscow @azotgallery and be a part of this experiment. Performance "Radiance" is an experimental research of the balance of the internal nature in reflection with the external. The dance of the controlling and uncontrolled connection of the body / mind, with the conscious attention of the present. Friday, Moscow, Tverskaya 3, Ritz Carlton Hotel, -2 floor. 18: 00-21: 00. Free entrance. Curator : @blanar @wlhteam #wlh_art @ludovicdesaintsernin __________________________ Photograph by @chloeblm
  • Dimitrii Staev

    First day with a Spiral. Clockwise.
  • Dimitrii Staev

    #coronavirus #mityastaev #singapore #dance Location: @mpdssingapore Music: Alva Noto + Ryuichi Sakomoto Created with @yumimarvelous
  • Dimitrii Staev

  • Dimitrii Staev

    Я намеревался начать вести свой видеодневник, делиться с людьми своим опытом, приобретёнными идеями,знаниями. Серии, посвящённые определенной цели. Объединить людей возможностью осознать и раскрыть свою божественную природу. Я думал с чего начать, и как часто происходит в жизни, жизнь решила за меня. Начну чуть позже, а пока что делюсь тем что вырывается! Сегодня мне написала девушка с признанием в своём страхе показать миру своё настоящее проявление, боязнь выражать себя так как хочется. В песнях, визуальном искусстве и тд. Меня это сильно тронуло, так как со мной происходило то же самое и продолжает происходить. Я думаю это касается многих людей, ведь в определенной степени все мы взращены фразами из разряда : «Не реви, что ты ревешь как девка», «Не придуряйся, ты что клоун?», Заткнись! Шевелись! Не ори. Что ты на себя напялила? Не хнычь. Что ты как маленький? Мальчики не играют в куклы, Девочки должны вести себя скромно и тд. Помните каким вы были ребёнком? Куча энергии, любопытства, свобода самовыражения, легкость. И с каждой подобной вышеупомянутой фразой ваш поток энергии становился уже и тише. Страхов больше и больше. Что ж, это касается всех людей, так как каждый человек по своей природе творец. Посмотрите на любое дерево, на любую птицу, на любое животное. Мы осуждаем их за самовыражение? Они такие какие они есть. Мы не думаем что львицы не должны охотиться, что их дело только сидеть с детенышами. Мы ведь не думаем о том, что дерево дало плоды некрасивой формы, «-Какие то не секси яблоки в этом году.» Не знаю как вы, но я так не думаю. Мы наслаждаемся пением птиц, мы умиляемся пушистым пандам, мы восхищаемся грацией кошек, танцем осеннего листопада, свежестью дождя и теплом солнечного света. Вы когда нибудь думали о том что солнце недостаточно стильное? Или что оно слишком круглое? Оно просто светит, оно дарит, оно дарит! Почему мы боимся просто дарить? Просто быть собой, какими бы мы ни были? Боимся получить неприятные ощущения. Так как есть люди, кто возможно найдёт в нашем настоящем творчестве что то не приятное, то что они не принимают в себе, и по этому не позволяют это другим. Осуждают, но осуждают сами себя... Продолжение в комментарии.
  • Dimitrii Staev

    Pray form.
  • Dimitrii Staev

    Feeling so much love right now, gratitude for the opportunity to share with you. Here is my first online education platform, created completely by me. I want to say thank all of the people who interested in #tangowithpole space, who feel something, listening this kind of music, and feel the energy, a desire to express yourself . Through my perspective I would say what this course is amount of opportunities. Opportunity of self-expression, self-exploring journey, connection between your body, mind and spirit, challenge or active meditation, pleasure and self confidence. Dance, freedom. Opportunity to feel, to be just you. I love you. Link in bio. #poletdanceschool #mityastaev #tangowithpoleonlinecourse
  • Dimitrii Staev

  • Dimitrii Staev

    MALE POLE DANCERS ARE CERTAINLY A RARE BREED. HAS THIS AFFECTED YOUR OWN PERCEPTIONS OF MASCULINITY? ______________________________________________________________“I started practicing pole dance at the same time with studying at the Academy of Art and Culture, at the ballet master’s faculty. At the same time I was already formed at some point, I had my own perception of femininity and masculinity. A year later I participated Russian National Pole Sport Championship. Audience in this community is used to see a men, who came to the pole dance from parkour, acrobatics or the workout, but not from the dance world.After my performance, I received hundreds of comments on the video, that ballet on the pole is “for wimps”, and this is not about sport at all , “not manly”. Now I am grateful for that opinion. This experience gave me an understanding, that I am not interested about sport at all. It brought me to my present time, to accept myself as I am, to realize that I am an artist. And I do not care how my dance determined visually: masculine or feminine. The main thing is that it is honest. And I choose bravery, to be heard by my own voice, without masks, without fear of being unpleasant. And it seems to me that this bravery is the true masculinity.” _____________________ Find my interview for @oddamagazine 17 @dmitrybrylev @ttaylorfreeman @danielwrodgers @davidmartingss @blanar
  • Dimitrii Staev

    Finally found the new @oddamagazine issue #17 with my interview. What a beautiful moment to have an interview of my beloved soul @vladislavzorin here too. Sunset gratitude for all the people who created this present. @davidmartingss @ttaylorfreeman @dmitrybrylev And special hug to @blanar
  • Dimitrii Staev

    Immortal mountain
  • Dimitrii Staev

    Rainbow for me is a symbol of man / humanity. Water reflecting light. Man is the bridge between the animal and the God-man. This bridge has 7 stages, 7 rainbow colors, 7 chakras. In nucleation and in the first days after birth, a person manifests himself as a process of absorption. All the nutrients from the mother go through the umbilical cord; he is getting some love through absorbing matter, eats and sleeps, eats and sleeps. The simplest single-celled Amoeba is nothing but one big mouth, its only function is to consume. At the level of adults, this is also openly visible, and extremely popular in our modern society. Over time, Amoeba divided, the same amoeba begins to coexist next to it. Transition to the second level. The level of the game, manipulation. At the second level, the child directs his attention to the people around him, parents, relatives ... The first moments of communication, the first awareness of his abilities to create, to play. All children are skilled manipulators, they know that in order to get something you need to issue a signal, crying or laughing. Adults can not resist the smile of the baby, smiling in response. By workaround the child receives a feeling of wholeness , love . For example, like adults, that within themselves the same children, Manipulate each other, instead of simply and directly asking for what they need. More often than not, a simple hug fills us much more than a new fur coat. The next stage is the third. Manipura At this level, opposites merge. Most often, people who are not holistic within themselves fall in love with people with the most opposite inner world. They see in them what they would like to have within themselves. Two halves are combined, and if both halves have something that is missing each other, they quite organically become whole. They confluence is an orgasmic etude and at this moment the first, brightest glimpse occurs. A divine ray illuminated the lake of consciousness. Feeling this shortest moment of nirvana, they wants more. More and more. This is less characteristic of integral people within themselves; they live from the center. Heart Chakra - Anahata, middle.Swipe>
  • Dimitrii Staev

    Here is me and my friend and wonderful student @svetlanaslastikhin and we are dancing for you. #tangowithpole workshops are available this month in New York City @incredipole studio, every Fridays 8pm. And! Very soon #tangowithpoleonlinecourse will be available for every one, stay tuned, flow present. Music: Astor Piazzolla - Imperial Space: @mpdsmiami
  • Dimitrii Staev

    “Sinoptique” July 2017. Для оригинала текста листайте в право. “I feel an absolute connection with nature. I feel that this was influenced by several ceremonies of the Amazonian forests medicine. A medicine men, Jerome, shared with me the knowledge of the Lakota people. #mitakuyeoyasin he told me, confirming my own knowledge. This phrase translates as “Everything is related .” We are all whole and at the same time parts of one whole. The planet as a single organism, we are cells. The animal kingdom, the plant world, the world of minerals ... We are all one. We are all in a process of balance. For a long time, mankind pressed on one side of a motor boat, now the time has come when we are pumping in the opposite. It is about the present state of the planet. The degree is rising, climate change is obvious. Despite the forecast of Mask and Hawking of the constant death of mankind, I remain in the present and share with you my real feelings and thoughts. The world is changing, glaciers are melting, volcanoes are waking up more often, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods and other phenomena make themselves felt every day. When you read about it on your device’s screen, it all seems like a virtual story. I also thought so. In 2017, during the hurricane Irma, I felt fear watching the flying palm trees and other large objects. I was lucky, just like this year, Hurricane Dorian walked along the coast, leaving behind 70,000 homeless people in the Bahamas and Abaco. This is one of hundreds of cases. Yes, with my attention I am only feeding this situation, but without acknowledging myself as vital, I cannot move in the direction of change. But actually, why do I need to change anything? Nature itself will cleanse the planet; the balancing process is inherent in everything. You can put up with this and continue to consume, while remaining a passive spectator of such a grandiose performance. Personally, I can’t do this, I have love for myself, love for people, love for trees, flowers, minerals, for mother nature...» Swipe to the right to continue.
  • Dimitrii Staev

    Attention | Whole October I will teach my workshop series #tangowithpole in New York City @incredipole studio. 4 weeks / 4 workshops. This flow about freedom, about acceptance, about beauty, about us. letshavesomefun 🐰
  • Dimitrii Staev

  • Dimitrii Staev

  • Dimitrii Staev

    I just can’t keep it inside. Shuffle played this song, and I accepted. There was a mirror in front of me, and I had judged a bit, but trying to let it go more and more. Became lighter, more lighter. Life process. Present. Me as Attention in this Present Flow , just Trusting and Following. Becoming free enough to be honest. And at the end I know what I really know nothing, but I just can’t keep it inside. Music: Depeche Mode - Freelove Location: @mpdsmiami
  • Dimitrii Staev

  • Dimitrii Staev

    2015. My first ever #tangowithpole lesson. At this time I had no clue how many people around the globe will feel something about this dance discipline. I was afraid to share this with the world, but still like an echo in my had : “Trust and follow, trust and follow”
  • Dimitrii Staev

  • Dimitrii Staev

  • Dimitrii Staev

    Kids are nudists
  • Dimitrii Staev

    Playing with some restrictions in @mpdsmiami Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you! I’m here, Miami for a month. 🦕
  • Dimitrii Staev

  • Dimitrii Staev

    This plant is going to host his workshop! One and only in this month. __________________________ New York City | June 29 ”Tango with Pole” Registration and additional info: @foxyfitnessandpole @virgilavery _____________________________________ #heisback
  • Dimitrii Staev

    Portrait by @gerardovizmanos
  • Dimitrii Staev

    Simply adoring this life by this magic dialogue with my body. @rhye @foxyfitnessandpole
  • Dimitrii Staev

  • Dimitrii Staev

  • Dimitrii Staev

    The first work from my series - "Fasting week, self portraits". 2018 Beautiful memory with my dearest friends.
  • Dimitrii Staev

    While I'm preparing for you my first online course "Tango with pole", you can book my class in Europe. I'm in Paris from April 17th. Друзья, я приехал не на долго в Россию. Приятные встречи с вами, на улицах городов, под лампами, в танцевальных залах... Расписание и запись на мастерклассы в России по ссылке в профиле. #tangowithpole #pole
  • Dimitrii Staev

    I am surprised how many people are currently experiencing global inner changes. Lostness, loss of meaning, rejection, misunderstanding, guilt, fears, reconfiguration of values, loneliness, lack of will, a range of colorful though it can all be expressed briefly ... In recent days I have had several long phone conversations with my close people, all they have the same symptoms, experiences. For coming to the end of the 23rd year of my life, I experienced a large number of completely different experiences, that became an opportunity to feel deep compassion for other people. During these conversations, I shared this experience, how I went through and continue to go through inner rebuilding, and it became much lighter for my friends. And for me , for me too. Through compassion, it became so easy for us to accept it as it is and allow isness of these experiences, without blaming ourselves, without running away from ourselves. Here tears are rarely shared, more often here the pictures of an “ideal” life, which, by the way, these tears are often came from. But experiencing such emotions is also wonderful, sometimes our strength is revealed in flexibility. And if you are in the process, I mentally convey my support to you from the heart. You are loved. You are not alone. @watermillcenter /@photo_by_baranova Morning meeting with @bob___wilson.
  • Dimitrii Staev

    В знойный летний день, когда дети крутились во дворах, на пляжах топтались босоногие отдыхающие и муравьи моргали на раскалённых камнях, вдруг, неожиданно стало прохладно. Через несколько минут начался град. Холодно, холодно настолько, что кошки сбежали в подвал по привычке. В информационном поле Земли стали отражаться мысли о климатическом катаклизме. С неба продолжали сыпаться подожженные купюры. В квартирах кипели чайники, а окна слегка отражали изумленные лица. Внутри домов резко распускались цветы. Звенели телефоны, линии трескались от восторженных слов. Это был первый рабочий день Бога Любви. Политики собирались в конгрессы, в объятия, в поцелуи. Гремели новые законы. Больницы переименовали в Здравницы, закрыли зоопарки. Стало теплее, сопливые носы выпрыскивали накопленную усталость и тревогу. Открыли границы! Навсегда. Постепенно оттаивала ледяная корка, всех жителей охватило желание чистоты. Мокрые швабры и пылесосы сменили предшествующие ремонтные работы. Можно дышать! На улицах проглядывала свежая трава, все казалось новым. Глаза всех сущностей засияли чем-то детским. Церкви и мечети превратили в дома радости. Исчезли автомобили с их дизельной историей, бесчисленные экраны исчезли. Люди открывали в себе телепатию, телепортацию, телекинез. Все вокруг поют! Поют о любви, игриво и радостно. Каждая жизнь наполнилась мелодией. Солнце отогревало зябкие деревья, птицы вылетали на свет. О войнах забыли! Просто забыли. Забыли о браконьерстве, коррупции, воровстве, ГМО, терроризме, чипировании, прививках, проституции, насилии, голоде, абортах, рекламных вывесках, бездомных и очереди в женский туалет. Роботы построили новые, ультрачеловечные дома. Самолеты сбрасывали семена для выращивания плодоносов, в воздухе пахло чистой простыней. Бог Любви посылал своих помощников тем, кто никак не мог полюбить себя. Таких людей осыпали порошком абсолютного принятия, розовым, блестящим. Им становилось так смешно и щекотно, все их страхи пропадали. Они перестали сравнивать и начали просто жить. Просто быть, в моменте. «-Ах как это просто.» Сказал Бог Любви, наслаждаясь вечерним закатом, в окружении медовых улиток и колокольных светлячков. #утренниестраницы
  • Dimitrii Staev

    Oh my dear
  • Dimitrii Staev

    A portrait of me in the green room by @gerardovizmanos
  • Dimitrii Staev

    One more from “Sunday puddle” series. July.18
  • Dimitrii Staev

    Happy to announce my photography project - “I was here before”. This story has huge roots, spinning globe with blind picking, old postcards with the skyline, childhood, with an opportunity for the future, and I became a character of my own dream. New York gives me unusual memories, seems like this experienced before. It keeps u in role of curious tourist, increasing the speed of everything. 2 first weeks, fresh film cuts, was year ago or repeated. Endless present, permanent deja vu. Full project you can see on my website. Link in bio.........................................................................................
  • Dimitrii Staev

  • Dimitrii Staev

    Synoptique. summer 17
  • Dimitrii Staev

  • Dimitrii Staev

    "Still life" Created and performed by me. ___________________ In my works, I pay attention on the image of the mirror. This object is next to me from the earliest years. Huge mirrors in a ballroom reflected the outward feet and smooth lines in hands, then the mirror rounded and stretched out to the ceiling through a steel tube, I began to dance directly with it. Sliding up and down, spinning left and right. All life is represented by a dance with mirrors, their infinite number. As Castaneda wrote, all we do is creating senseless figures in front of the mirror. The realization that the whole world around me is my reflection, in collaboration with awareness, helps me to recognize myself, to look at all my patterns , to become freer, to accept. It seems to me! Constantly changing in the present moment. In the work "Still life" the image and the idea I invested changed with each rehearsal, gradually. And after half of year, it is actively changing, inside of me. In May, I saw a fragment about struggle and acceptance, about ignorance and compassion, about disease and fear, animal and man, about machines and the future, present and past, desire, life, loneliness, hopes for illusion, indulgence, about faith, dual integrity and separation, ego, memory, light, circle, spiral, roots ... Now it is different.  Each of you may see something, and find yourself. This performance took place on the American Pole League Championship. May 2018. Background shots were made during my hiking in the desert and the mountains of Arizona. Link on this work in bio.___________ Grateful for the opportunity to make that happen @foxyfitnessandpole @virgilavery @pinkpumainc ___________________ Перевод ниже.
  • Dimitrii Staev

    The walk after the night with six knives.
  • Dimitrii Staev

    Kids on a playground
  • Dimitrii Staev

    Feels like bones before a fever. A thin sword , mercurial flow. Tasteless. Powerful and fragile, power in fragility, freedom of the shore, destruction, distortion,reflecting, when the warm coming from the cold, when you feel the spiral, the center is spreading to the ocean, a cloud, the spinning pulse in a wrist, and you are inside of the omnipotent structure, the dust of silence, to chop the water, to embrace the water. Moment splash. Witness: @chloeblm .......................................... Ощущение костей перед жаром. Тонкий меч, течение ртути. Лишенное вкуса. Сильно и хрупко, сила в хрупкости, свобода берега, разрушение, искажение, отраженное, когда тепло исходит из холода, когда чувствуешь спираль, центр распространяется в океан, облако, пульс вращается в запястье, и ты внутри всемогущей структуры, пыль тишины, рубить воду, объять воду. Мгновенный всплеск.
  • Dimitrii Staev

    The beginning of the practice. Shuffle playlist, gradually warming up, different vibes, sometimes silly and chill or intensive and fast. Sometimes with a mirror sometimes with out. What is still? Btw, do you want me to share more videos from my practicing?
  • Dimitrii Staev

  • Dimitrii Staev

    October 27th . My first workshop in New York. @foxyfitnessandpole 12 -1:30pm Sign up through MindBody. All additional information here @foxyfitnessandpole Looking forward to see you and share.
  • Dimitrii Staev

    Pressure in a throat
  • Dimitrii Staev

    Farrah and Berlin.
  • Dimitrii Staev
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  • Dimitrii Staev
  • Dimitrii Staev
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  • Dimitrii Staev
  • Dimitrii Staev
  • Dimitrii Staev
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  • Dimitrii Staev
  • Dimitrii Staev
  • Dimitrii Staev
  • Dimitrii Staev
  • Dimitrii Staev
  • Dimitrii Staev

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