• Светлана Николаева

Юлия Винс Инстаграм фото

Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
Just sitting here and waiting when life get back to normal 🤗 My last junior competitions are canceled, we can’t go outside without a pass, and many other not so nice things. I think I will tell you more about the situation in my country and in my life soon. I hope you guys are okay ❤️
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
240 kg + 35 kg chains It was a great time in Finland with @kalle_rs . Thank you for letting me stay in your house, for productive workouts and advices you gave me 💪🏻 Can't wait to see you again 😊
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
Hi! I'm back 🌞 This month was productive. I made some personal records in squats (I think you saw it in my stories). My students from the body transform course got great results too. And how are you guys? ☺️
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
Hi guys! I hope 2020 started well for you❤️ I just wanted to remind you that tomorrow is the last day of sales of my BODY TRANSFORM course. And also I can accept only 10 more members for FULL PACK personal coaching. Link in bio, join now ☺️
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
🎁 GIVEAWAY 🎁 Today Prozis and I decided to give you some presents ☺️ ➡ To participate, you only have to ⬇⬇ 1. Follow @julia_vins 2. Follow @prozis 3. Comment on this post, identifying 3 friends; Conditions: ➡You can participate as many times as you will, as long as you identify different friends, and the winning comment is not repeated (only personal profiles are eligible); ➡You can participate until the end of 10/01/2020 (until the participations are closed by comment in this publication); ➡The winner will be chosen through the sorteiogram.com platform, announced by comment in this publication on 11/01/2020 and contacted by private message during the same day.
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
I just opened up registration for my online course BODY TRANSFORM Link in bio to join (I opened it up a bit early to avoid any bottlenecks and spread the load on the server) P.S. I don’t expect to sell out immediately, although there are more than 2000 people in the waiting list, I can accept only 100 members. So if you want one of those spots at my BODY TRANSFORM course, then please don’t delay. They are going to go fast. Link in bio ❤️
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
Write in the comments how many times a week do you train? 👇🏻 Now you will understand why I ask about it. There is an old myth - if you want to look fit you should train like a bodybuilder. (12-15 reps, a lot of sets, a lot of pumping and low weights) I have been training for 8 years, and I’ve tried many times to train like a professional bodybuilder because everyone talks and writes about it. And I always didn’t see the progress, my muscles didn’t get bigger, my strength decreased, the amount of fat increased. Now I got some experience because I coached many people. I realized that this method doesn’t work if you train naturally. And as soon as I get back to my proven system, I saw significant changes. So what do you need to progress naturally? Here is my experience: 1. You should reduce the number of reps in sets (this should be less than 10). And increase the number of sets, to get a normal training volume. 2. You need to increase weights. And this is the most important thing. Your goal is muscle hypertrophy, and you need to give stress to your muscles. With light weight, this is more difficult to do. 3. You need to increase recovery time. You can’t progress fast if you do more than 5 workouts per week. The best way is 3-4 workouts. So if you don’t see the result of your training in 1-2 months, nothing will change then, because you do the same things. Change it 😌
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
I got a lot of questions about how to gain weight. Before answering this question, let's look at what type of weight you can gain: 1. Increase the amount of water in the body 2. Increase the amount of fat 3. Increase lean muscle mass What is your choice? So if you want to gain water and fat, there are no problems with this. You can do it without any system. In this case, people use the usual method, they are getting more and more food. But if you want to gain LEAN MUSCLE MASS, here is the way for this: In our body, there are 2 major processes, catabolic and anabolic. And the main hormone that regulates the anabolic process is growth hormone. Production of growth hormone in normal amounts for muscle growth occurs when there are 4 main factors: 1. Insulin level not too high 2. The right nutrition plan with the optimal calories and nutrients for growth (the amount of protein should be at least 2g per kg of body weight, fat at least 1g per kg of body weight) And it does not depend on the type of your diet 3. Healthy sleep 4. Training with normal volume and intensity Here is the key. If you want to grow muscles, you shouldn’t eat everything and a lot, your diet should be BALANCED. What kills your muscle growth: 1. Cortisol. It’s also important to prevent a high level of stress because cortisol will block the production of growth hormone. 2. You eat not enough protein. This is a very common problem. 3. Your diet is not systematized. Your calorie intake is different every day. The bottom line is: don’t gain your weight by wrong methods, this mass will not give you good health. And there is another way, here it is. P.S. My course will start soon. Subscribe in the link in bio. And also you’ll get 12 tips how to build muscles fast ❤️
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
How many times have you tried to lose weight? And how many times have you failed? There is a stereotype that you need to eat 5-6 times a day if you want to burn fat. I will show you a completely different way how to lose weight. Overweight is not the problem, it is just a symptom of some problems. Yes, you should focus on calories, but you shouldn’t ignore hormonal triggers. And now we’ll talk about the hormone you should pay attention to - insulin. The formula is simple, if insulin goes up - you gain fat. Therefore, the classic scheme recommended by professional bodybuilders (eating 5-6 times a day) is very good for gaining weight, but it does not work well for fat burning if you train naturally. And it does not depend on what diet you use (even keto, vegetarian or other) How to lower your insulin levels: 1. Reduce fast carbohydrate intake. 2. Avoid the combination of protein and sugar. 3. If you eat a lot of protein, add enough fat to this meal. 4. Reduce the number of meals, but there is an important thing - follow your calorie norm. Because if you eat not enough calories, you will have the opposite effect. 5. Do not eat snacks between meals. 6. If you follow these recommendations for about 2 weeks, your insulin level will begin to stabilize and the desire to eat sweets will decrease. I didn’t understand how important is, but about 2 years ago I began to learn about this issue. And it works great, I can adjust my weight very easily, I feel good, and I don’t have to worry if I skip another meal because of work anymore. P.S. You still can get my 12 tips how to build muscle mass fast, link in bio❤️
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
Most often in the comments, you ask about how to build biceps to make your arms bigger. And you are right because if you have a big arms, you look fit and people will always wonder how you did it. But here is the simple secrets of how to make your arm really big, it works for 100% 1. To get a big arms, you need to concentrate on triceps training as well. Because triceps is growing very fast, training is very simple, this is a big strong muscle that likes big weights. So use volume training with high intensity. 2. Don’t pump with small weights. Small weights and a large number of reps are good, but in the case when you already have mass. If you do only pumping constantly, you will not see the result. 3. Don’t use too specific exercises. Only BASIC and PROVEN exercises will give you results. 4. Most important: When you train your arms, never take a long rest between sets. 5. If you haven’t seen the growth of your arm for a long time most likely you are using the wrong technique in the exercises. Pay attention to it. And this is only a small part of the mistakes that I see in the gym everyday. Therefore, I am preparing my course and I am very close to complete it. This course will focus on how to build muscle mass fast, fat burn diet, and a training method that allows you to be fit always. It is going to be a complete brain dump of everything that I know about how to become fit. I’m going to show you how exactly to get fast results in the gym. However, I need your help. Before I finalize everything, I need to make sure I have covered everything. Please, take a few minutes, to answer this super-short survey: what are your two top questions about training, that I absolutely need to answer in my course? Write in the comments, thanks! P.S. I’ve made a list of tips for you. There are 12 tips how to build muscles fast. You can download it from the link in my bio ❤️
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
The fatal mistake in “healthy” lifestyle 1️⃣ You are trying to copy nutrition plans of professionals. Often you see tips on the instagram "you have to eat 6 times a day to lose weight”, “reduce the calories by half", "don’t eat carbs", "do two-hour cardio on an empty stomach" Do you know what? If you are not a professional athlete, then all this is complete shit. And now I’ll explain why: Your shape and well-being will be great when you normalize your nutrition, when you’ll have in your diet a complete set of macronutrients. So you should balance your diet: 1. ~ 1 gram of fat per 1 kg of your body weight 2.Protein ~ 2 grams 3.You should take the remaining calories from carbohydrates (but not from junk food) ❗️Don’t reduce the fats. Otherwise, your hormonal system will not function normally. ❗️Don’t try to copy someone and make a huge calorie deficit for a long time without a reason for this, you’ll have the highest risk of disruption in the thyroid. And also the level of testosterone can decrease, which will lead to problems with health, not enough recovery and a bad mood. 2️⃣Trying to copy workouts of professionals. If professional bodybuilder uses steroids for recovery, your body must recover on its own. If you constantly expose yourself to too much training stress, the only thing you will come to is just a worsening of well-being. What do I mean by too much stress: If you constantly use heavy drop sets, pyramid workouts, and your training volume is clearly more than your body can handle, and you don’t change this training at all. The only thing you will come to is chronic inflammation in your ligaments and injuries. That's why I wrote a post about the importance of calculating training volume and intensity. ❗️What should you do: 1.Use only the safe exercises that will not lead to injury. 2.You should have a personal training plan, not blindly copying different exercises from different people that you saw, and it seemed to you useful. 3. You have to know your optimal training volume. It sounds very simple, but the consequences of such (seemingly minor mistakes) can be very bad. Start thinking and analyzing, then your efforts will produce results
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
Top 5 best Supplements for your muscles There is such a wide variety of sports nutrition, that’s why people doesn’t know what to choose. So don’t spend your time and money to understand what exactly works, you can start with these supplements. 1. Creatine monohydrate This is the cheapest and proven supplement, which is guaranteed increase your weight and strength. It provides energy to your muscles during workout. How to use: First week take 5 grams 4 times a day, dissolve in juice or in water with sugar. Then 5 grams once a day. Take 2 months, then take a break 3-4 weeks. Why you should to use it with sugar? Because it causes an insulin spike, making more creatine available to muscle cells much faster. Note: don't buy supplements of no-name brands, because it can be poor quality 2. Whey protein This is an excellent supplement, especially if you can’t gain your protein intake (the norm is at least 2 grams per 1 kg of your bodyweight). If you don’t have a time because of your work/study schedule, you can always take protein with you and mix it with water in order to satisfy your hunger, not to eat junk food and reach your calorie norm. 3. BCAA This is my favorite supplement. You won’t get instant results from BCAAs like from creatine. But it greatly improves your recovery. This is the best building material for your muscles. I recommend taking BCAA at least 15 grams per day, then you’ll really feel the effect. 4. Vitamins I think you already know about the positive effects of vitamins. But for sport It also regulates the processes of metabolism, energy synthesis, nerve conduction, prevent cell destruction. It will help you improve your adaptation for workouts, increase your stamina and improve your immunity. 5. Pre-workout complex Many of you write me that you don’t have enough energy to train after work. I work a lot too, so I often use the pre-workout complex. It contains vitamins, BCAA, caffeine, taurine, beta alanine and many other useful things. It gives you pump, energy and good mood. I don’t like pre-workouts with too much stimulants (such as caffeine and guarana) because they impair concentration and it’s not too good for health.
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
Productive training The second most important thing after calories (which we calculated in the previous post) For your progress in training, you have to know, be able to calculate, and plan 2 main elements - Training Volume and Intensity. I think it should be the first thing to know when you start your training in the gym. Nobody told me about it, I found it when I read books about weightlifting. Otherwise, I would have wasted a few years. Not everybody count volume and that’s why they never know why they have a plateau and no progress. These are the two main things that regulate your training process. So, what is training volume: V = weight* reps * sets (measurement of the total weight lifted) For example: 100 kg*10 reps *4 sets = 4000 kg What is intensity? I = V : all reps (intensity is how heavy the middleweight) In our example is: I = 4000kg:40 reps = 100 If you want to progress, your training volume should increase For a beginner, it will be a small amount, but if you train more than 1 year, the numbers should be larger. For example: your squat PR 130 kg, and you squat 75 kg*10reps*1set, then volume is 750kg, of course that’s not enough , but if you’ll do 6 sets, then volume = 4500kg, that’s better! It’s related to all exersises, not only squat. How can you use this numbers? For example, you need to make your arms bigger, you just increase the volume And now you know for sure you will work enough. And if you feel overtrained, you can reduce your training volume. Intensity is also very important. This is an indicator of your level. If you want to get stronger and bigger, you should check the average intensity in training and it should always increase. That's the secret :) Training is very simple if you approach this issue wisely 💪🏻
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
Many people who try to lose weight or gain weight make the same mistake that kills their progress. They don’t count calories They are train in the gym very hard, eat right, but bodyweight doesn’t change. It hits your motivation. Even if training changes your life , it’s hard to continue when you don’t see any progress. If you still count calories but don’t see any progress: 1. You don’t know how to calculate your calorie norm and just use estimated norm that you found on the Internet 2. You know your calorie norm, but don't eat enough protein (but we'll talk about it in another post) 3. A couple of times a week you’re overeating / eat not enough. I did a survey in my Instagram stories and many of my followers said they just don’t know how to count calorie norm. Now I’m gonna help you get rid of this mistake Open the calculator and count right now using this formula: Calorie Calculation Formula for Men: (10 × bodyweight in kg) + (6.25 × height in cm) − (5 × your age) + 5 Calorie Calculation Formula for for women: (10 × bodyweight in kg) + (6.25 × height in cm) − (5 ×your age ) − 161 If you don’t have physical activity, multiply the result by 1.2 * If you run a little 1-3 times a week or walk a lot, multiply by 1.375 * If you exercise 3-5 times a week, multiply by 1.55 *If you train 6-7 times a week, multiply the result by 1.725 * If your job involves physical activity and you exercise 1-2 times a day, multiply by 1.9 To gain weight / lose weight, add / reduce from 250 to 500 calories I will show you this by my example: (10 × 63 kg my bodyweight ) + (6.25 × 165 cm my height ) − (5 × 23 my age) − 161 630+1031 - 115 -161 X 1.55(my activity) = 2147 my calorie norm If I want to lose weight, I reduce it by 300 calories = 1847 ✅ For calorie counting, you can use any app for your phone (for iPhone I use FatSecret) Did you know about this formula? Comment how much is your calorie norm 👇🏻
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
I have this Instagram page for a few years. And here are 922 thousand people who following me, I really appreciate it. I realized that all this time I didn't share with you my experience: How to reach your goal to look fit faster and make your training more productive. Why look fit? Because most people, including me, want to look awesome, to be muscular, lean, but everyone makes the same mistakes. From my own experience I found out these mistakes and I want to tell you about them. As you know, I’ve been training for 8 years, my best squat is 252 kg, bench press 165 kg, deadlift 192 kg with body weight 63 kg, I am the world record holder. And I’m trying to look fit too, but in such a way as to combine this with real life, I don’t have much free time because I own business. I don't consider myself a fitness guru, but I have a lot of experience online and personal coaching, and I know which methods gives quick and good results. let’s get started :) I have prepared a series of posts for you and I will be grateful for your support ☺️ P.S. Thanks guys for reposting me in stories, there are so many of your tags, but I always like your photos ❤️☺️ . . #fitness #prozis #bodybuilding
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
Just watched the documentary on Netflix @gamechangersmovie Even @kaigreene decided to try plant based diet 😱 I know many of my followers are vegetarians. How do this diet affect to your strength and energy? I want to try it 😌 #thegamechangers #plantbasediet #powerlifting #veganbodybuilding
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
I have not been here for almost 2 weeks! How is your life and progress? 💪🏻
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
Now I’m in the first place in the world rankings in the bench press (juniors 67 weight category) After two not entirely successful competitions, where my bench was very small, I finally made progress and added 15 kg to my personal record I took part in the competitions hosted by @kalle_rs at @apcon_official Thanks a lot @titanpower81 EVIL TWIN bench shirt is absolutely awesome Thanks @prozis for sports nutrition that allows me to recover so fast This time bench press was so easy, I felt i could add at least 10 kg more Now I take first place in the world ranking.. And I want to say, you will succeed if you don’t give up. Follow your passion. #powerlifting #powerliftingcompetition #benchpress @powerliftingmotivation @openpowerlifting
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
Just having fun 😀 #powerlifting
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
Great bench press workout and also great weather today 🌞
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
Usually I don’t wear sleeveless shirts because I don’t like too much attention in everyday life. But today I made this mistake 😀 How do people react to women with muscles in your country? #girlswholift
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
You work. You reach. #prozis
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
‼️GIVEAWAY‼️ Hi guys, I know you love gifts So, if you are powerlifter, and you want to win the gift that includes: 1 singlet 1 wrist wraps 1 t shirt From the best equipment manufacturer @titanpower81 You should fulfill these conditions: Follow @julia_vins , follow @titanpower81 , like this post and answer the question in the comments: Why exactly should you get this prize, what is your goal in powerlifting ? Good luck! The winner will be announced in a week By the way, there will be two winners :) #powerlifting #giveaway
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
Hi guys! First, ❤️ this post please :) Second, I have almost 900K followers from all around the world. I really wonder what you do. Where do you live? What is your profession? Write in the comments, I always read it ☺️
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
Two weeks ago I took part in the competition in Finland ( hosted by my friend @kalle_rs ) For the first time in a long time, my weight class was 60 kg The last 5 years I competed in 67 weight category It was an interesting experience for me. I managed to show good results. In the video, a new junior world record in squat 245 kg In the bench press, I had some problems because of weight loss, so only 135 kg (my best bench press is 150 kg at last competitions) Deadlift 180 This was my first experience in cutting weight before competition so I felt my muscles were empty But I have already begun to correct mistakes and started a new preparation Many thanks to my sponsor @titanpower81 for best powerlifting gear in the world ❤️ @openpowerlifting #powerlifting
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
Bench press workout done ✅ #prozis #titanpowersystems #girlswholifts
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
When you miss him but trying to stay strong 😂 #musclebarbie #prozis #juliavins
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
I am back and now I have to do all my work 👩‍🍳 My every day begins with baking pies, cheesecakes, muffins and cookies for my coffee shop :) this is another one of my hobbies (yes, it is difficult for me to keep a diet 😀)
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
I like the way my body looks in the 60 kg weight class... But at these competitions I realized that I need to regain my weight in order to lift well 🙃 What do you think? I look better now or I have to gain weight again? 🙂 #prozis #titanpowersystems
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
I visited the most wonderful library I've ever seen 😍 If you will be in Helsinki you should visit it ❤️
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
Beautiful day in Helsinki ❤️
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
Hi guys, I'm in Finland now and made new junior world records in the 60 weight category 🎉 thank you for supporting me ❤️
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
How do you like this look? The movie "Goalkeeper of the Galaxy" coming soon ✨ #sinema #movie #russianmovies #actress
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
GIVEAWAY # PROZIS12YEARS Is Prozis anniversary but who wins is you! We want to celebrate this anniversary with you, so we are offering you a super tasty PACK of 12 BARS so you do not lose focus and stay with us for another year under the motto #exceedyourself To qualify to win you only have to: 1. Follow @julia_vins 2. Follow @prozis 3. Comment on this post, identifying 3 friends; Conditions: ➡You can participate as often as you like, as long as you identify different friends, and the winning comment is not repeated (only personal profiles are eligible); ➡You can participate until the end of 12/04/2019 (until the participations are closed by commentary in this publication); ➡The winner will be chosen through the platform sorteiogram.com (or other you use to select a winner on Instagram), announced in the commentary in this publication and contacted by private message during the same day; ➡ Offers may be subject to change through available stock; ➡ If you are the winner, you must register on the Prozis website. Come celebrate with us and do not miss the opportunity to WIN!
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
#Squat 280 kg (617 lbs) and 240 kg without wraps (529 lbs) With reverse bands @titanpower81 #powerliftng #girlswholift
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
Exceed yourself 👊🏻 @prozis #prozis
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
Heavy bench press workout done ✅ My best result 150 kg (331 lbs) on competition What about you? #powerlifting #girlswholift
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
Pretty cold ☃️
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
What is the beauty standard for women in your country? Here in Russia, being muscular was a big problem before. But now it has become more familiar. What about your country? #musclebarbie #musclegirls
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
Yes, I can smile 😄 (The most frequent question from my followers is “can you smile?” or “why Russians never smile?”) 🙃
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
Watching videos of best Russian blogger between attempts in bench press @varlamov #смотрюварламова #powerlifting
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
Go beyond hardcore 😎
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
What is your goal in sport for 2019? I want to make a total 10xbodyweight in #powerlifting 🏋🏼‍♀️
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
Winter is a great time to gain muscle mass Today I’m gonna tell you about my favorite protein by @xcorenutrition It has a great flavor (my choice is strawberry) The packaging is cheaper, so you don’t have to overpay for it. And also easier to carry. And the main thing is quality! It’s good concentrate protein. Now is the time to buy it, because you’ll get a bonus 🙃 link in bio By the way, do you like a tank? 😁 #protein #sportnutrition
Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
We make the best coffee in my coffeeshop 😁 sometimes I’m barista too
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
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  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
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  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    Just sitting here and waiting when life get back to normal 🤗 My last junior competitions are canceled, we can’t go outside without a pass, and many other not so nice things. I think I will tell you more about the situation in my country and in my life soon. I hope you guys are okay ❤️
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    240 kg + 35 kg chains It was a great time in Finland with @kalle_rs . Thank you for letting me stay in your house, for productive workouts and advices you gave me 💪🏻 Can't wait to see you again 😊
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    Hi! I'm back 🌞 This month was productive. I made some personal records in squats (I think you saw it in my stories). My students from the body transform course got great results too. And how are you guys? ☺️
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    Hi guys! I hope 2020 started well for you❤️ I just wanted to remind you that tomorrow is the last day of sales of my BODY TRANSFORM course. And also I can accept only 10 more members for FULL PACK personal coaching. Link in bio, join now ☺️
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    🎁 GIVEAWAY 🎁 Today Prozis and I decided to give you some presents ☺️ ➡ To participate, you only have to ⬇⬇ 1. Follow @julia_vins 2. Follow @prozis 3. Comment on this post, identifying 3 friends; Conditions: ➡You can participate as many times as you will, as long as you identify different friends, and the winning comment is not repeated (only personal profiles are eligible); ➡You can participate until the end of 10/01/2020 (until the participations are closed by comment in this publication); ➡The winner will be chosen through the sorteiogram.com platform, announced by comment in this publication on 11/01/2020 and contacted by private message during the same day.
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    I just opened up registration for my online course BODY TRANSFORM Link in bio to join (I opened it up a bit early to avoid any bottlenecks and spread the load on the server) P.S. I don’t expect to sell out immediately, although there are more than 2000 people in the waiting list, I can accept only 100 members. So if you want one of those spots at my BODY TRANSFORM course, then please don’t delay. They are going to go fast. Link in bio ❤️
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    Write in the comments how many times a week do you train? 👇🏻 Now you will understand why I ask about it. There is an old myth - if you want to look fit you should train like a bodybuilder. (12-15 reps, a lot of sets, a lot of pumping and low weights) I have been training for 8 years, and I’ve tried many times to train like a professional bodybuilder because everyone talks and writes about it. And I always didn’t see the progress, my muscles didn’t get bigger, my strength decreased, the amount of fat increased. Now I got some experience because I coached many people. I realized that this method doesn’t work if you train naturally. And as soon as I get back to my proven system, I saw significant changes. So what do you need to progress naturally? Here is my experience: 1. You should reduce the number of reps in sets (this should be less than 10). And increase the number of sets, to get a normal training volume. 2. You need to increase weights. And this is the most important thing. Your goal is muscle hypertrophy, and you need to give stress to your muscles. With light weight, this is more difficult to do. 3. You need to increase recovery time. You can’t progress fast if you do more than 5 workouts per week. The best way is 3-4 workouts. So if you don’t see the result of your training in 1-2 months, nothing will change then, because you do the same things. Change it 😌
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    I got a lot of questions about how to gain weight. Before answering this question, let's look at what type of weight you can gain: 1. Increase the amount of water in the body 2. Increase the amount of fat 3. Increase lean muscle mass What is your choice? So if you want to gain water and fat, there are no problems with this. You can do it without any system. In this case, people use the usual method, they are getting more and more food. But if you want to gain LEAN MUSCLE MASS, here is the way for this: In our body, there are 2 major processes, catabolic and anabolic. And the main hormone that regulates the anabolic process is growth hormone. Production of growth hormone in normal amounts for muscle growth occurs when there are 4 main factors: 1. Insulin level not too high 2. The right nutrition plan with the optimal calories and nutrients for growth (the amount of protein should be at least 2g per kg of body weight, fat at least 1g per kg of body weight) And it does not depend on the type of your diet 3. Healthy sleep 4. Training with normal volume and intensity Here is the key. If you want to grow muscles, you shouldn’t eat everything and a lot, your diet should be BALANCED. What kills your muscle growth: 1. Cortisol. It’s also important to prevent a high level of stress because cortisol will block the production of growth hormone. 2. You eat not enough protein. This is a very common problem. 3. Your diet is not systematized. Your calorie intake is different every day. The bottom line is: don’t gain your weight by wrong methods, this mass will not give you good health. And there is another way, here it is. P.S. My course will start soon. Subscribe in the link in bio. And also you’ll get 12 tips how to build muscles fast ❤️
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    How many times have you tried to lose weight? And how many times have you failed? There is a stereotype that you need to eat 5-6 times a day if you want to burn fat. I will show you a completely different way how to lose weight. Overweight is not the problem, it is just a symptom of some problems. Yes, you should focus on calories, but you shouldn’t ignore hormonal triggers. And now we’ll talk about the hormone you should pay attention to - insulin. The formula is simple, if insulin goes up - you gain fat. Therefore, the classic scheme recommended by professional bodybuilders (eating 5-6 times a day) is very good for gaining weight, but it does not work well for fat burning if you train naturally. And it does not depend on what diet you use (even keto, vegetarian or other) How to lower your insulin levels: 1. Reduce fast carbohydrate intake. 2. Avoid the combination of protein and sugar. 3. If you eat a lot of protein, add enough fat to this meal. 4. Reduce the number of meals, but there is an important thing - follow your calorie norm. Because if you eat not enough calories, you will have the opposite effect. 5. Do not eat snacks between meals. 6. If you follow these recommendations for about 2 weeks, your insulin level will begin to stabilize and the desire to eat sweets will decrease. I didn’t understand how important is, but about 2 years ago I began to learn about this issue. And it works great, I can adjust my weight very easily, I feel good, and I don’t have to worry if I skip another meal because of work anymore. P.S. You still can get my 12 tips how to build muscle mass fast, link in bio❤️
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    Most often in the comments, you ask about how to build biceps to make your arms bigger. And you are right because if you have a big arms, you look fit and people will always wonder how you did it. But here is the simple secrets of how to make your arm really big, it works for 100% 1. To get a big arms, you need to concentrate on triceps training as well. Because triceps is growing very fast, training is very simple, this is a big strong muscle that likes big weights. So use volume training with high intensity. 2. Don’t pump with small weights. Small weights and a large number of reps are good, but in the case when you already have mass. If you do only pumping constantly, you will not see the result. 3. Don’t use too specific exercises. Only BASIC and PROVEN exercises will give you results. 4. Most important: When you train your arms, never take a long rest between sets. 5. If you haven’t seen the growth of your arm for a long time most likely you are using the wrong technique in the exercises. Pay attention to it. And this is only a small part of the mistakes that I see in the gym everyday. Therefore, I am preparing my course and I am very close to complete it. This course will focus on how to build muscle mass fast, fat burn diet, and a training method that allows you to be fit always. It is going to be a complete brain dump of everything that I know about how to become fit. I’m going to show you how exactly to get fast results in the gym. However, I need your help. Before I finalize everything, I need to make sure I have covered everything. Please, take a few minutes, to answer this super-short survey: what are your two top questions about training, that I absolutely need to answer in my course? Write in the comments, thanks! P.S. I’ve made a list of tips for you. There are 12 tips how to build muscles fast. You can download it from the link in my bio ❤️
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    The fatal mistake in “healthy” lifestyle 1️⃣ You are trying to copy nutrition plans of professionals. Often you see tips on the instagram "you have to eat 6 times a day to lose weight”, “reduce the calories by half", "don’t eat carbs", "do two-hour cardio on an empty stomach" Do you know what? If you are not a professional athlete, then all this is complete shit. And now I’ll explain why: Your shape and well-being will be great when you normalize your nutrition, when you’ll have in your diet a complete set of macronutrients. So you should balance your diet: 1. ~ 1 gram of fat per 1 kg of your body weight 2.Protein ~ 2 grams 3.You should take the remaining calories from carbohydrates (but not from junk food) ❗️Don’t reduce the fats. Otherwise, your hormonal system will not function normally. ❗️Don’t try to copy someone and make a huge calorie deficit for a long time without a reason for this, you’ll have the highest risk of disruption in the thyroid. And also the level of testosterone can decrease, which will lead to problems with health, not enough recovery and a bad mood. 2️⃣Trying to copy workouts of professionals. If professional bodybuilder uses steroids for recovery, your body must recover on its own. If you constantly expose yourself to too much training stress, the only thing you will come to is just a worsening of well-being. What do I mean by too much stress: If you constantly use heavy drop sets, pyramid workouts, and your training volume is clearly more than your body can handle, and you don’t change this training at all. The only thing you will come to is chronic inflammation in your ligaments and injuries. That's why I wrote a post about the importance of calculating training volume and intensity. ❗️What should you do: 1.Use only the safe exercises that will not lead to injury. 2.You should have a personal training plan, not blindly copying different exercises from different people that you saw, and it seemed to you useful. 3. You have to know your optimal training volume. It sounds very simple, but the consequences of such (seemingly minor mistakes) can be very bad. Start thinking and analyzing, then your efforts will produce results
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    Top 5 best Supplements for your muscles There is such a wide variety of sports nutrition, that’s why people doesn’t know what to choose. So don’t spend your time and money to understand what exactly works, you can start with these supplements. 1. Creatine monohydrate This is the cheapest and proven supplement, which is guaranteed increase your weight and strength. It provides energy to your muscles during workout. How to use: First week take 5 grams 4 times a day, dissolve in juice or in water with sugar. Then 5 grams once a day. Take 2 months, then take a break 3-4 weeks. Why you should to use it with sugar? Because it causes an insulin spike, making more creatine available to muscle cells much faster. Note: don't buy supplements of no-name brands, because it can be poor quality 2. Whey protein This is an excellent supplement, especially if you can’t gain your protein intake (the norm is at least 2 grams per 1 kg of your bodyweight). If you don’t have a time because of your work/study schedule, you can always take protein with you and mix it with water in order to satisfy your hunger, not to eat junk food and reach your calorie norm. 3. BCAA This is my favorite supplement. You won’t get instant results from BCAAs like from creatine. But it greatly improves your recovery. This is the best building material for your muscles. I recommend taking BCAA at least 15 grams per day, then you’ll really feel the effect. 4. Vitamins I think you already know about the positive effects of vitamins. But for sport It also regulates the processes of metabolism, energy synthesis, nerve conduction, prevent cell destruction. It will help you improve your adaptation for workouts, increase your stamina and improve your immunity. 5. Pre-workout complex Many of you write me that you don’t have enough energy to train after work. I work a lot too, so I often use the pre-workout complex. It contains vitamins, BCAA, caffeine, taurine, beta alanine and many other useful things. It gives you pump, energy and good mood. I don’t like pre-workouts with too much stimulants (such as caffeine and guarana) because they impair concentration and it’s not too good for health.
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    Productive training The second most important thing after calories (which we calculated in the previous post) For your progress in training, you have to know, be able to calculate, and plan 2 main elements - Training Volume and Intensity. I think it should be the first thing to know when you start your training in the gym. Nobody told me about it, I found it when I read books about weightlifting. Otherwise, I would have wasted a few years. Not everybody count volume and that’s why they never know why they have a plateau and no progress. These are the two main things that regulate your training process. So, what is training volume: V = weight* reps * sets (measurement of the total weight lifted) For example: 100 kg*10 reps *4 sets = 4000 kg What is intensity? I = V : all reps (intensity is how heavy the middleweight) In our example is: I = 4000kg:40 reps = 100 If you want to progress, your training volume should increase For a beginner, it will be a small amount, but if you train more than 1 year, the numbers should be larger. For example: your squat PR 130 kg, and you squat 75 kg*10reps*1set, then volume is 750kg, of course that’s not enough , but if you’ll do 6 sets, then volume = 4500kg, that’s better! It’s related to all exersises, not only squat. How can you use this numbers? For example, you need to make your arms bigger, you just increase the volume And now you know for sure you will work enough. And if you feel overtrained, you can reduce your training volume. Intensity is also very important. This is an indicator of your level. If you want to get stronger and bigger, you should check the average intensity in training and it should always increase. That's the secret :) Training is very simple if you approach this issue wisely 💪🏻
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    Many people who try to lose weight or gain weight make the same mistake that kills their progress. They don’t count calories They are train in the gym very hard, eat right, but bodyweight doesn’t change. It hits your motivation. Even if training changes your life , it’s hard to continue when you don’t see any progress. If you still count calories but don’t see any progress: 1. You don’t know how to calculate your calorie norm and just use estimated norm that you found on the Internet 2. You know your calorie norm, but don't eat enough protein (but we'll talk about it in another post) 3. A couple of times a week you’re overeating / eat not enough. I did a survey in my Instagram stories and many of my followers said they just don’t know how to count calorie norm. Now I’m gonna help you get rid of this mistake Open the calculator and count right now using this formula: Calorie Calculation Formula for Men: (10 × bodyweight in kg) + (6.25 × height in cm) − (5 × your age) + 5 Calorie Calculation Formula for for women: (10 × bodyweight in kg) + (6.25 × height in cm) − (5 ×your age ) − 161 If you don’t have physical activity, multiply the result by 1.2 * If you run a little 1-3 times a week or walk a lot, multiply by 1.375 * If you exercise 3-5 times a week, multiply by 1.55 *If you train 6-7 times a week, multiply the result by 1.725 * If your job involves physical activity and you exercise 1-2 times a day, multiply by 1.9 To gain weight / lose weight, add / reduce from 250 to 500 calories I will show you this by my example: (10 × 63 kg my bodyweight ) + (6.25 × 165 cm my height ) − (5 × 23 my age) − 161 630+1031 - 115 -161 X 1.55(my activity) = 2147 my calorie norm If I want to lose weight, I reduce it by 300 calories = 1847 ✅ For calorie counting, you can use any app for your phone (for iPhone I use FatSecret) Did you know about this formula? Comment how much is your calorie norm 👇🏻
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    I have this Instagram page for a few years. And here are 922 thousand people who following me, I really appreciate it. I realized that all this time I didn't share with you my experience: How to reach your goal to look fit faster and make your training more productive. Why look fit? Because most people, including me, want to look awesome, to be muscular, lean, but everyone makes the same mistakes. From my own experience I found out these mistakes and I want to tell you about them. As you know, I’ve been training for 8 years, my best squat is 252 kg, bench press 165 kg, deadlift 192 kg with body weight 63 kg, I am the world record holder. And I’m trying to look fit too, but in such a way as to combine this with real life, I don’t have much free time because I own business. I don't consider myself a fitness guru, but I have a lot of experience online and personal coaching, and I know which methods gives quick and good results. let’s get started :) I have prepared a series of posts for you and I will be grateful for your support ☺️ P.S. Thanks guys for reposting me in stories, there are so many of your tags, but I always like your photos ❤️☺️ . . #fitness #prozis #bodybuilding
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    Just watched the documentary on Netflix @gamechangersmovie Even @kaigreene decided to try plant based diet 😱 I know many of my followers are vegetarians. How do this diet affect to your strength and energy? I want to try it 😌 #thegamechangers #plantbasediet #powerlifting #veganbodybuilding
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    I have not been here for almost 2 weeks! How is your life and progress? 💪🏻
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    Now I’m in the first place in the world rankings in the bench press (juniors 67 weight category) After two not entirely successful competitions, where my bench was very small, I finally made progress and added 15 kg to my personal record I took part in the competitions hosted by @kalle_rs at @apcon_official Thanks a lot @titanpower81 EVIL TWIN bench shirt is absolutely awesome Thanks @prozis for sports nutrition that allows me to recover so fast This time bench press was so easy, I felt i could add at least 10 kg more Now I take first place in the world ranking.. And I want to say, you will succeed if you don’t give up. Follow your passion. #powerlifting #powerliftingcompetition #benchpress @powerliftingmotivation @openpowerlifting
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    Just having fun 😀 #powerlifting
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    Great bench press workout and also great weather today 🌞
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    Usually I don’t wear sleeveless shirts because I don’t like too much attention in everyday life. But today I made this mistake 😀 How do people react to women with muscles in your country? #girlswholift
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    You work. You reach. #prozis
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    ‼️GIVEAWAY‼️ Hi guys, I know you love gifts So, if you are powerlifter, and you want to win the gift that includes: 1 singlet 1 wrist wraps 1 t shirt From the best equipment manufacturer @titanpower81 You should fulfill these conditions: Follow @julia_vins , follow @titanpower81 , like this post and answer the question in the comments: Why exactly should you get this prize, what is your goal in powerlifting ? Good luck! The winner will be announced in a week By the way, there will be two winners :) #powerlifting #giveaway
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    Hi guys! First, ❤️ this post please :) Second, I have almost 900K followers from all around the world. I really wonder what you do. Where do you live? What is your profession? Write in the comments, I always read it ☺️
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    Two weeks ago I took part in the competition in Finland ( hosted by my friend @kalle_rs ) For the first time in a long time, my weight class was 60 kg The last 5 years I competed in 67 weight category It was an interesting experience for me. I managed to show good results. In the video, a new junior world record in squat 245 kg In the bench press, I had some problems because of weight loss, so only 135 kg (my best bench press is 150 kg at last competitions) Deadlift 180 This was my first experience in cutting weight before competition so I felt my muscles were empty But I have already begun to correct mistakes and started a new preparation Many thanks to my sponsor @titanpower81 for best powerlifting gear in the world ❤️ @openpowerlifting #powerlifting
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    Bench press workout done ✅ #prozis #titanpowersystems #girlswholifts
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    When you miss him but trying to stay strong 😂 #musclebarbie #prozis #juliavins
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    I am back and now I have to do all my work 👩‍🍳 My every day begins with baking pies, cheesecakes, muffins and cookies for my coffee shop :) this is another one of my hobbies (yes, it is difficult for me to keep a diet 😀)
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    I like the way my body looks in the 60 kg weight class... But at these competitions I realized that I need to regain my weight in order to lift well 🙃 What do you think? I look better now or I have to gain weight again? 🙂 #prozis #titanpowersystems
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    I visited the most wonderful library I've ever seen 😍 If you will be in Helsinki you should visit it ❤️
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    Beautiful day in Helsinki ❤️
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    Hi guys, I'm in Finland now and made new junior world records in the 60 weight category 🎉 thank you for supporting me ❤️
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    How do you like this look? The movie "Goalkeeper of the Galaxy" coming soon ✨ #sinema #movie #russianmovies #actress
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    GIVEAWAY # PROZIS12YEARS Is Prozis anniversary but who wins is you! We want to celebrate this anniversary with you, so we are offering you a super tasty PACK of 12 BARS so you do not lose focus and stay with us for another year under the motto #exceedyourself To qualify to win you only have to: 1. Follow @julia_vins 2. Follow @prozis 3. Comment on this post, identifying 3 friends; Conditions: ➡You can participate as often as you like, as long as you identify different friends, and the winning comment is not repeated (only personal profiles are eligible); ➡You can participate until the end of 12/04/2019 (until the participations are closed by commentary in this publication); ➡The winner will be chosen through the platform sorteiogram.com (or other you use to select a winner on Instagram), announced in the commentary in this publication and contacted by private message during the same day; ➡ Offers may be subject to change through available stock; ➡ If you are the winner, you must register on the Prozis website. Come celebrate with us and do not miss the opportunity to WIN!
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    #Squat 280 kg (617 lbs) and 240 kg without wraps (529 lbs) With reverse bands @titanpower81 #powerliftng #girlswholift
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    Exceed yourself 👊🏻 @prozis #prozis
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    Heavy bench press workout done ✅ My best result 150 kg (331 lbs) on competition What about you? #powerlifting #girlswholift
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    Pretty cold ☃️
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    What is the beauty standard for women in your country? Here in Russia, being muscular was a big problem before. But now it has become more familiar. What about your country? #musclebarbie #musclegirls
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    Yes, I can smile 😄 (The most frequent question from my followers is “can you smile?” or “why Russians never smile?”) 🙃
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    Watching videos of best Russian blogger between attempts in bench press @varlamov #смотрюварламова #powerlifting
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    Go beyond hardcore 😎
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    What is your goal in sport for 2019? I want to make a total 10xbodyweight in #powerlifting 🏋🏼‍♀️
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    Winter is a great time to gain muscle mass Today I’m gonna tell you about my favorite protein by @xcorenutrition It has a great flavor (my choice is strawberry) The packaging is cheaper, so you don’t have to overpay for it. And also easier to carry. And the main thing is quality! It’s good concentrate protein. Now is the time to buy it, because you’ll get a bonus 🙃 link in bio By the way, do you like a tank? 😁 #protein #sportnutrition
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

    We make the best coffee in my coffeeshop 😁 sometimes I’m barista too
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie
  • Julia Vins | Muscle Barbie

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